Source code for gptools.kernel.core

# Copyright 2014 Mark Chilenski
# This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Purpose License (GPL).
# Refer to
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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"""Core kernel classes: contains the base :py:class:`Kernel` class and helper subclasses.

from __future__ import division

from ..utils import unique_rows, generate_set_partitions, UniformJointPrior, \
                    ProductJointPrior, IndependentJointPrior, powerset, MaskedBounds
from ..error_handling import GPArgumentError

import scipy
import scipy.special
import scipy.stats
import warnings
    import mpmath
except ImportError:
        "Could not import mpmath. ArbitraryKernel class will not work.",
import inspect
import multiprocessing

[docs]class Kernel(object): """Covariance kernel base class. Not meant to be explicitly instantiated! Initialize the kernel with the given number of input dimensions. When implementing an isotropic covariance kernel, the covariance length scales should be the last `num_dim` elements in `params`. Parameters ---------- num_dim : positive int Number of dimensions of the input data. Must be consistent with the `X` and `Xstar` values passed to the :py:class:`~gptools.gaussian_process.GaussianProcess` you wish to use the covariance kernel with. Default is 1. num_params : Non-negative int Number of parameters in the model. initial_params : :py:class:`Array` or other Array-like, (`num_params`,), optional Initial values to set for the hyperparameters. Default is None, in which case 1 is used for the initial values. fixed_params : :py:class:`Array` or other Array-like of bool, (`num_params`,), optional Sets which hyperparameters are considered fixed when optimizing the log likelihood. A True entry corresponds to that element being fixed (where the element ordering is as defined in the class). Default value is None (no hyperparameters are fixed). param_bounds : list of 2-tuples (`num_params`,), optional List of bounds for each of the hyperparameters. Each 2-tuple is of the form (`lower`, `upper`). If there is no bound in a given direction, it works best to set it to something big like 1e16. Default is (0.0, 1e16) for each hyperparameter. Note that this is overridden by the `hyperprior` keyword, if present. param_names : list of str (`num_params`,), optional List of labels for the hyperparameters. Default is all empty strings. enforce_bounds : bool, optional If True, an attempt to set a hyperparameter outside of its bounds will result in the hyperparameter being set right at its bound. If False, bounds are not enforced inside the kernel. Default is False (do not enforce bounds). hyperprior : :py:class:`~gptools.utils.JointPrior` instance or list, optional Joint prior distribution for all hyperparameters. Can either be given as a :py:class:`JointPrior` instance or a list of `num_params` callables or py:class:`rv_frozen` instances from :py:mod:`scipy.stats`, in which case a :py:class:`IndependentJointPrior` is constructed with these as the independent priors on each hyperparameter. Default is a uniform PDF on all hyperparameters. Attributes ---------- num_params : int Number of parameters. num_dim : int Number of dimensions. param_names : list of str, (`num_params`,) List of the labels for the hyperparameters. enforce_bounds : bool If True, do not allow hyperparameters to be set outside of their bounds. params : :py:class:`Array` of float, (`num_params`,) Array of parameters. fixed_params : :py:class:`Array` of bool, (`num_params`,) Array of booleans indicated which parameters in :py:attr:`params` are fixed. hyperprior : :py:class:`~gptools.utils.JointPrior` instance Joint prior distribution for the hyperparameters. param_bounds : :py:class:`~gptools.utils.CombinedBounds` The bounds on the hyperparameters. Actually a getter method with a property decorator. num_free_params : int Number of free hyperparameters. Actually a getter method with a property decorator. free_param_idxs : :py:class:`Array` of int, (`num_free_params`,) The indices of the free hyperparameters in :py:attr:`params`. Actually a getter method with a property decorator. free_params : :py:class:`~gptools.utils.MaskedBounds` Array of free parameters. Actually a getter method with a property decorator to permit modification in-place. free_param_bounds : :py:class:`~gptools.utils.MaskedBounds` The bounds on the free hyperparameters. Actually a getter method with a property decorator. free_param_names : :py:class:`~gptools.utils.MaskedBounds` List of the labels for the free hyperparameters. Actually a getter method with a property decorator. Raises ------ ValueError If `num_dim` is not a positive integer or the lengths of the input vectors are inconsistent. GPArgumentError if `fixed_params` is passed but `initial_params` is not. """ def __init__(self, num_dim=1, num_params=0, initial_params=None, fixed_params=None, param_bounds=None, param_names=None, enforce_bounds=False, hyperprior=None): if num_params < 0 or not isinstance(num_params, (int, long)): raise ValueError("num_params must be an integer >= 0!") self.num_params = num_params if param_names is None: param_names = [''] * self.num_params elif len(param_names) != self.num_params: raise ValueError("param_names must be a list of length num_params!") self.param_names = scipy.asarray(param_names, dtype=str) if num_dim < 1 or not isinstance(num_dim, (int, long)): raise ValueError("num_dim must be an integer > 0!") self.num_dim = num_dim self.enforce_bounds = enforce_bounds # Handle default case for initial parameter values -- set them all to 1. if initial_params is None: # Only accept fixed_params if initial_params is given: if fixed_params is not None: raise GPArgumentError( "Must pass explicit parameter values if fixing parameters!" ) initial_params = scipy.ones(num_params, dtype=float) fixed_params = scipy.zeros(num_params, dtype=float) else: if len(initial_params) != num_params: raise ValueError("Length of initial_params must be equal to num_params!") # Handle default case of fixed_params: no fixed parameters. if fixed_params is None: fixed_params = scipy.zeros(num_params, dtype=float) else: if len(fixed_params) != num_params: raise ValueError("Length of fixed_params must be equal to num_params!") self.fixed_params = scipy.asarray(fixed_params, dtype=bool) # Handle default case for parameter bounds -- set them all to (0, 1e16): if param_bounds is None and hyperprior is None: # Only warn if there are any free params: if (~self.fixed_params).any(): warnings.warn( "Neither param_bounds nor hyperprior were specified when " "creating the kernel, defaults may not be appropriate for your data." ) param_bounds = num_params * [(0.0, 1e16)] else: if param_bounds is not None and len(param_bounds) != num_params: raise ValueError("Length of param_bounds must be equal to num_params!") # Handle default case for hyperpriors -- set them all to be uniform: if hyperprior is None: hyperprior = UniformJointPrior(param_bounds) else: try: iter(hyperprior) if len(hyperprior) != num_params: raise ValueError("If hyperprior is a list its length must " "be equal to num_params!") hyperprior = IndependentJointPrior(hyperprior) except TypeError: pass self.params = scipy.asarray(initial_params, dtype=float) self.hyperprior = hyperprior @property def param_bounds(self): return self.hyperprior.bounds @param_bounds.setter def param_bounds(self, value): self.hyperprior.bounds = value
[docs] def __call__(self, Xi, Xj, ni, nj, hyper_deriv=None, symmetric=False): """Evaluate the covariance between points `Xi` and `Xj` with derivative order `ni`, `nj`. Note that this method only returns the covariance -- the hyperpriors and potentials stored in this kernel must be applied separately. Parameters ---------- Xi : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. Xj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. ni : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `i`. nj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `j`. hyper_deriv : Non-negative int or None, optional The index of the hyperparameter to compute the first derivative with respect to. If None, no derivatives are taken. Default is None (no hyperparameter derivatives). symmetric : bool, optional Whether or not the input `Xi`, `Xj` are from a symmetric matrix. Default is False. Returns ------- Kij : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) Covariances for each of the `M` `Xi`, `Xj` pairs. Notes ----- THIS IS ONLY A METHOD STUB TO DEFINE THE NEEDED CALLING FINGERPRINT! """ raise NotImplementedError( "This is an abstract method -- please use one of the implementing subclasses!" )
[docs] def set_hyperparams(self, new_params): """Sets the free hyperparameters to the new parameter values in new_params. Parameters ---------- new_params : :py:class:`Array` or other Array-like, (len(:py:attr:`self.free_params`),) New parameter values, ordered as dictated by the docstring for the class. """ new_params = scipy.asarray(new_params, dtype=float) if len(new_params) == len(self.free_params): if self.enforce_bounds: for idx, new_param, bound in zip(range(0, len(new_params)), new_params, self.free_param_bounds): if bound[0] is not None and new_param < bound[0]: new_params[idx] = bound[0] elif bound[1] is not None and new_param > bound[1]: new_params[idx] = bound[1] self.params[~self.fixed_params] = new_params else: raise ValueError("Length of new_params must be %s!" % (len(self.free_params),))
@property def num_free_params(self): """Returns the number of free parameters. """ return sum(~self.fixed_params) @property def free_param_idxs(self): """Returns the indices of the free parameters in the main arrays of parameters, etc. """ return scipy.arange(0, self.num_params)[~self.fixed_params] @property def free_params(self): """Returns the values of the free hyperparameters. Returns ------- free_params : :py:class:`Array` Array of the free parameters, in order. """ return MaskedBounds(self.params, self.free_param_idxs) @free_params.setter def free_params(self, value): self.params[self.free_param_idxs] = scipy.asarray(value, dtype=float) @property def free_param_bounds(self): """Returns the bounds of the free hyperparameters. Returns ------- free_param_bounds : :py:class:`Array` Array of the bounds of the free parameters, in order. """ return MaskedBounds(self.hyperprior.bounds, self.free_param_idxs) @free_param_bounds.setter def free_param_bounds(self, value): # Need to use a loop since self.hyperprior.bounds is NOT guaranteed to support fancy indexing. for i, v in zip(self.free_param_idxs, value): self.hyperprior.bounds[i] = v @property def free_param_names(self): """Returns the names of the free hyperparameters. Returns ------- free_param_names : :py:class:`Array` Array of the names of the free parameters, in order. """ return MaskedBounds(self.param_names, self.free_param_idxs) @free_param_names.setter def free_param_names(self, value): # Cast to array in case it hasn't been done already: self.param_names = scipy.asarray(self.param_names, dtype=str) self.param_names[~self.fixed_params] = value
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """Add two Kernels together. Parameters ---------- other : :py:class:`Kernel` Kernel to be added to this one. Returns ------- sum : :py:class:`SumKernel` Instance representing the sum of the two kernels. """ return SumKernel(self, other)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply two Kernels together. Parameters ---------- other : :py:class:`Kernel` Kernel to be multiplied by this one. Returns ------- prod : :py:class:`ProductKernel` Instance representing the product of the two kernels. """ return ProductKernel(self, other)
def _compute_r2l2(self, tau, return_l=False): r"""Compute the anisotropic :math:`r^2/l^2` term for the given `tau`. Here, :math:`\tau=X_i-X_j` is the difference vector. Computes .. math:: \frac{r^2}{l^2} = \sum_i\frac{\tau_i^2}{l_{i}^{2}} Assumes that the length parameters are the last `num_dim` elements of :py:attr:`self.params`. Where `l` and `tau` are both zero, that term is set to zero. Parameters ---------- tau : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. return_l : bool, optional Set to True to return a tuple of (`tau`, `l_mat`), where `l_mat` is the matrix of length scales to match the shape of `tau`. Default is False (only return `tau`). Returns ------- r2l2 : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) Anisotropically scaled distances squared. l_mat : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`, `D`) The (`D`,) array of length scales repeated for each of the `M` inputs. Only returned if `return_l` is True. """ l_mat = scipy.tile(self.params[-self.num_dim:], (tau.shape[0], 1)) tau_over_l = tau / l_mat tau_over_l[(tau == 0) & (l_mat == 0)] = 0.0 r2l2 = scipy.sum((tau_over_l)**2, axis=1) if return_l: return (r2l2, l_mat) else: return r2l2
[docs]class BinaryKernel(Kernel): """Abstract class for binary operations on kernels (addition, multiplication, etc.). Parameters ---------- k1, k2 : :py:class:`Kernel` instances to be combined Notes ----- `k1` and `k2` must have the same number of dimensions. """ def __init__(self, k1, k2): if not isinstance(k1, Kernel) or not isinstance(k2, Kernel): raise TypeError("Both arguments to BinaryKernel must be instances of " "type Kernel!") if k1.num_dim != k2.num_dim: raise ValueError("Only kernels having the same number of dimensions " "can be summed!") self.k1 = k1 self.k2 = k2 self._enforce_bounds = k1.enforce_bounds or k2.enforce_bounds super(BinaryKernel, self).__init__(num_dim=k1.num_dim, num_params=k1.num_params + k2.num_params, initial_params=scipy.concatenate((k1.params, k2.params)), fixed_params=scipy.concatenate((k1.fixed_params, k2.fixed_params)), param_names=list(k1.param_names) + list(k2.param_names), hyperprior=k1.hyperprior * k2.hyperprior, enforce_bounds=self._enforce_bounds) @property def enforce_bounds(self): """Boolean indicating whether or not the kernel will explicitly enforce the bounds defined by the hyperprior. """ return self._enforce_bounds @enforce_bounds.setter def enforce_bounds(self, v): """Set `enforce_bounds` for both of the kernels to a new value. """ self._enforce_bounds = v self.k1.enforce_bounds = v self.k2.enforce_bounds = v @property def fixed_params(self): return scipy.concatenate((self.k1.fixed_params, self.k2.fixed_params)) @fixed_params.setter def fixed_params(self, v): self.k1.fixed_params = v[:self.k1.num_params] self.k2.fixed_params = v[self.k1.num_params:] @property def free_param_bounds(self): """Returns the bounds of the free hyperparameters. Returns ------- free_param_bounds : :py:class:`Array` Array of the bounds of the free parameters, in order. """ return scipy.concatenate((self.k1.free_param_bounds, self.k2.free_param_bounds)) @property def free_param_names(self): """Returns the names of the free hyperparameters. Returns ------- free_param_names : :py:class:`Array` Array of the names of the free parameters, in order. """ return scipy.concatenate((self.k1.free_param_names, self.k2.free_param_names)) @property def params(self): return scipy.concatenate((self.k1.params, self.k2.params)) @params.setter def params(self, v): self.k1.params = v[:self.k1.num_params] self.k2.params = v[self.k1.num_params:]
[docs] def set_hyperparams(self, new_params): """Set the (free) hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- new_params : :py:class:`Array` or other Array-like New values of the free parameters. Raises ------ ValueError If the length of `new_params` is not consistent with :py:attr:`self.params`. """ new_params = scipy.asarray(new_params, dtype=float) if len(new_params) == len(self.free_params): num_free_k1 = sum(~self.k1.fixed_params) self.k1.set_hyperparams(new_params[:num_free_k1]) self.k2.set_hyperparams(new_params[num_free_k1:]) else: raise ValueError("Length of new_params must be %s!" % (len(self.free_params),))
[docs]class SumKernel(BinaryKernel): """The sum of two kernels. """
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Evaluate the covariance between points `Xi` and `Xj` with derivative order `ni`, `nj`. Parameters ---------- Xi : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. Xj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. ni : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `i`. nj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `j`. symmetric : bool, optional Whether or not the input `Xi`, `Xj` are from a symmetric matrix. Default is False. Returns ------- Kij : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) Covariances for each of the `M` `Xi`, `Xj` pairs. """ hd = kwargs.pop('hyper_deriv', None) if hd is not None: if hd < len(self.k1.params): return self.k1(*args, hyper_deriv=hd, **kwargs) else: return self.k2(*args, hyper_deriv=hd - len(self.k1.params), **kwargs) else: return self.k1(*args, **kwargs) + self.k2(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ProductKernel(BinaryKernel): """The product of two kernels. """
[docs] def __call__(self, Xi, Xj, ni, nj, **kwargs): """Evaluate the covariance between points `Xi` and `Xj` with derivative order `ni`, `nj`. Parameters ---------- Xi : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. Xj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. ni : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `i`. nj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `j`. symmetric : bool, optional Whether or not the input `Xi`, `Xj` are from a symmetric matrix. Default is False. Returns ------- Kij : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) Covariances for each of the `M` `Xi`, `Xj` pairs. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the `hyper_deriv` keyword is given and is not None. """ if kwargs.get('hyper_deriv', None) is not None: raise NotImplementedError("hyper_deriv keyword not yet supported!") # Need to process ni, nj to handle the product rule properly. nij = scipy.hstack((ni, nj)) nij_unique = unique_rows(nij) result = scipy.zeros(Xi.shape[0]) for row in nij_unique: # deriv_pattern is the pattern of partial derivatives, where the # indicies for derivatives with respect to the elements of Xj have # been offset by self.num_dim. For instance, if ni = [1, 2] and # nj = [3, 4], deriv_pattern will be [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]. deriv_pattern = [] for idx in xrange(0, len(row)): deriv_pattern.extend(row[idx] * [idx]) idxs = (nij == row).all(axis=1) S = powerset(deriv_pattern) # little "s" is a member of the power set of S: for s in S: # nij_1 is the combined array of derivative orders for function 1: nij_1 = scipy.zeros((idxs.sum(), 2 * self.num_dim)) # sC is the complement of s with respect to S: sC = list(deriv_pattern) for i in s: nij_1[:, i] += 1 sC.remove(i) # nij_2 is the combined array of derivative orders for function 2: nij_2 = scipy.zeros((idxs.sum(), 2 * self.num_dim)) for i in sC: nij_2[:, i] += 1 result[idxs] += ( self.k1(Xi[idxs, :], Xj[idxs, :], nij_1[:, :self.num_dim], nij_1[:, self.num_dim:], **kwargs) * self.k2(Xi[idxs, :], Xj[idxs, :], nij_2[:, :self.num_dim], nij_2[:, self.num_dim:], **kwargs) ) return result
[docs]class ChainRuleKernel(Kernel): """Abstract class for the common methods in creating kernels that require application of Faa di Bruno's formula. Implementing classes should provide the following methods: - `_compute_k(self, tau)`: Should return the value of `k(tau)` at the given values of `tau`, but without multiplying by `sigma_f`. This is done separately for efficiency. - `_compute_y(self, tau, return_r2l2=False)`: Should return the "inner form" `y(tau)` to use with Faa di Bruno's formula. If `return_r2l2` is True, should also return the `r2l2` matrix from `self._compute_r2l2(tau)`. - `_compute_dk_dy(self, y, n)`: Should compute the `n`th derivative of the kernel `k` with respect to `y` at the locations `y`. - `_compute_dy_dtau(self, tau, b, r2l2)`: Should compute the derivatives of `y` with respect to the elements of `tau` as indicated in `b`. """
[docs] def __call__(self, Xi, Xj, ni, nj, hyper_deriv=None, symmetric=False): """Evaluate the covariance between points `Xi` and `Xj` with derivative order `ni`, `nj`. Parameters ---------- Xi : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. Xj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. ni : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `i`. nj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `j`. hyper_deriv : Non-negative int or None, optional The index of the hyperparameter to compute the first derivative with respect to. If None, no derivatives are taken. Hyperparameter derivatives are not supported at this point. Default is None. symmetric : bool Whether or not the input `Xi`, `Xj` are from a symmetric matrix. Default is False. Returns ------- Kij : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) Covariances for each of the `M` `Xi`, `Xj` pairs. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the `hyper_deriv` keyword is not None. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Hyperparameter derivatives have not been implemented!") tau = scipy.asarray(Xi - Xj, dtype=float) # Account for derivatives: # Get total number of differentiations: n_tot_j = scipy.asarray(scipy.sum(nj, axis=1), dtype=int).flatten() n_combined = scipy.asarray(ni + nj, dtype=int) n_combined_unique = unique_rows(n_combined) # Evaluate the kernel: k = scipy.zeros(Xi.shape[0], dtype=float) # First compute dk/dtau for n_combined_state in n_combined_unique: idxs = (n_combined == n_combined_state).all(axis=1) k[idxs] = self._compute_dk_dtau(tau[idxs], n_combined_state) # Compute factor from the dtau_d/dx_d_j terms in the chain rule: j_chain_factors = (-1.0)**(n_tot_j) # Multiply by the chain rule factor to get dk/dXi or dk/dXj: k = (self.params[0])**2.0 * j_chain_factors * k return k
def _compute_dk_dtau(self, tau, n): r"""Evaluate :math:`dk/d\tau` at the specified locations with the specified derivatives. Parameters ---------- tau : :py:class:`Matrix`, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. n : :py:class:`Array`, (`D`,) Degree of derivative with respect to each dimension. Returns ------- dk_dtau : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) Specified derivative at specified locations. """ # Construct the derivative pattern: # For each dimension, this will contain the index of the dimension # repeated a number of times equal to the order of derivative with # respect to that dimension. # Example: For d^3 k(x, y, z) / dx^2 dy, n would be [2, 1, 0] and # deriv_pattern should be [0, 0, 1]. For k(x, y, z) deriv_pattern is []. deriv_pattern = [] for idx in xrange(0, len(n)): deriv_pattern.extend(n[idx] * [idx]) deriv_pattern = scipy.asarray(deriv_pattern, dtype=int) # Handle non-derivative case separately for efficiency: if len(deriv_pattern) == 0: return self._compute_k(tau) else: # Compute all partitions of the deriv_pattern: deriv_partitions = generate_set_partitions(deriv_pattern) # Compute the requested derivative using the multivariate Faa di Bruno's equation: dk_dtau = scipy.zeros(tau.shape[0]) # Loop over the partitions: for partition in deriv_partitions: dk_dtau += self._compute_dk_dtau_on_partition(tau, partition) return dk_dtau def _compute_dk_dtau_on_partition(self, tau, p): """Evaluate the term inside the sum of Faa di Bruno's formula for the given partition. Parameters ---------- tau : :py:class:`Matrix`, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. p : list of :py:class:`Array` Each element is a block of the partition representing the derivative orders to use. Returns ------- dk_dtau : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) The specified derivatives over the given partition at the specified locations. """ y, r2l2 = self._compute_y(tau, return_r2l2=True) # Compute the d^(|pi|)f/dy term: dk_dtau = self._compute_dk_dy(y, len(p)) # Multiply in each of the block terms: for b in p: dk_dtau *= self._compute_dy_dtau(tau, b, r2l2) return dk_dtau
[docs]class ArbitraryKernel(Kernel): """Covariance kernel from an arbitrary covariance function. Computes derivatives using :py:func:`mpmath.diff` and is hence in general much slower than a hard-coded implementation of a given kernel. Parameters ---------- num_dim : positive int Number of dimensions of the input data. Must be consistent with the `X` and `Xstar` values passed to the :py:class:`~gptools.gaussian_process.GaussianProcess` you wish to use the covariance kernel with. cov_func : callable, takes >= 2 args Covariance function. Must take arrays of `Xi` and `Xj` as the first two arguments. The subsequent (scalar) arguments are the hyperparameters. The number of parameters is found by inspection of `cov_func` itself, or with the num_params keyword. num_proc : int or None, optional Number of procs to use in evaluating covariance derivatives. 0 means to do it in serial, None means to use all available cores. Default is 0 (serial evaluation). num_params : int or None, optional Number of hyperparameters. If None, inspection will be used to infer the number of hyperparameters (but will fail if you used clever business with *args, etc.). Default is None (use inspection to find argument count). **kwargs All other keyword parameters are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. Attributes ---------- cov_func : callable The covariance function num_proc : non-negative int Number of processors to use in evaluating covariance derivatives. 0 means serial. """ def __init__(self, cov_func, num_dim=1, num_proc=0, num_params=None, **kwargs): if num_proc is None: num_proc = multiprocessing.cpu_count() self.num_proc = num_proc if num_params is None: try: argspec = inspect.getargspec(cov_func)[0] num_params = len(argspec) - 2 param_names = argspec[2:] except TypeError: # Need to remove self from the arg list for bound method: argspec = inspect.getargspec(cov_func.__call__)[0] num_params = len(argspec) - 3 param_names = argspec[3:] self.cov_func = cov_func super(ArbitraryKernel, self).__init__( num_dim=num_dim, num_params=num_params, param_names=kwargs.pop('param_names', None), **kwargs )
[docs] def __call__(self, Xi, Xj, ni, nj, hyper_deriv=None, symmetric=False): """Evaluate the covariance between points `Xi` and `Xj` with derivative order `ni`, `nj`. Parameters ---------- Xi : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. Xj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. ni : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `i`. nj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `j`. hyper_deriv : Non-negative int or None, optional The index of the hyperparameter to compute the first derivative with respect to. If None, no derivatives are taken. Hyperparameter derivatives are not supported at this point. Default is None. symmetric : bool, optional Whether or not the input `Xi`, `Xj` are from a symmetric matrix. Default is False. Returns ------- Kij : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) Covariances for each of the `M` `Xi`, `Xj` pairs. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the `hyper_deriv` keyword is not None. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Hyperparameter derivatives have not been implemented!") n_cat = scipy.asarray(scipy.concatenate((ni, nj), axis=1), dtype=int) X_cat = scipy.asarray(scipy.concatenate((Xi, Xj), axis=1), dtype=float) n_cat_unique = unique_rows(n_cat) k = scipy.zeros(Xi.shape[0], dtype=float) # Loop over unique derivative patterns: if self.num_proc > 1: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.num_proc) for n_cat_state in n_cat_unique: idxs = scipy.where(scipy.asarray((n_cat == n_cat_state).all(axis=1)).squeeze())[0] if (n_cat_state == 0).all(): k[idxs] = self.cov_func(Xi[idxs, :], Xj[idxs, :], *self.params) else: if self.num_proc > 1 and len(idxs) > 1: k[idxs] = scipy.asarray(, n_cat_state), X_cat[idxs, :]), dtype=float ) else: for idx in idxs: k[idx] = mpmath.chop( mpmath.diff( self._mask_cov_func, X_cat[idx, :], n=n_cat_state, singular=True ) ) if self.num_proc > 0: pool.close() return k
def _mask_cov_func(self, *args): """Masks the covariance function into a form usable by :py:func:`mpmath.diff`. Parameters ---------- *args : `num_dim` * 2 floats The individual elements of Xi and Xj to be passed to :py:attr:`cov_func`. """ # Have to do it in two cases to get the 1d unwrapped properly: if self.num_dim == 1: return self.cov_func(args[0], args[1], *self.params) else: return self.cov_func(args[:self.num_dim], args[self.num_dim:], *self.params)
class _ArbitraryKernelEval(object): """Helper class to support parallel evaluation of the :py:class:ArbitraryKernel:. Parameters ---------- obj : :py:class:`Kernel` instance Instance to wrap to allow parallel computation of. n_cat_state : Array-like, (2,) Derivative orders to take with respect to `Xi` and `Xj`. """ # TODO: Generalize this for higher dimensions, since ArbitraryKernel is # supposed to be more general than univariate. def __init__(self, obj, n_cat_state): self.obj = obj self.n_cat_state = n_cat_state def __call__(self, X_cat_row): """Return the covariance function of object evaluated at the given `X_cat_row`. Parameters ---------- X_cat_row : Array-like, (2,) The `Xi` and `Xj` point to evaluate at. """ return mpmath.chop(mpmath.diff(self.obj._mask_cov_func, X_cat_row, n=self.n_cat_state, singular=True)) MASKEDKERNEL_RESERVED_NAMES = ['base', 'mask', 'maskC', 'num_dim', 'scale']
[docs]class MaskedKernel(Kernel): """Creates a kernel that is only masked to operate on certain dimensions, or has scaling/shifting. This can be used, for instance, to put a squared exponential kernel in one direction and a Matern kernel in the other. Overrides :py:meth:`__getattribute__` and :py:meth:`__setattr__` to make all setting/accessing go to the `base` kernel. Parameters ---------- base : :py:class:`Kernel` instance The :py:class:`Kernel` to apply in the dimensions specified in `mask`. total_dim : int, optional The total number of dimensions the masked kernel should have. Default is 2. mask : list or other array-like, optional 1d list of indices of dimensions `X` to include when passing to the `base` kernel. Length must be `base.num_dim`. Default is [0] (i.e., just pass the first column of `X` to a univariate `base` kernel). scale : list or other array-like, optional 1d list of scale factors to apply to the elements in `Xi`, `Xj`. Default is ones. Length must be equal to 2`base.num_dim`. """ def __init__(self, base, total_dim=2, mask=[0], scale=None): if len(mask) != base.num_dim: raise ValueError("Length of mask must be equal to the number of " "dimensions of the base kernel!") if scale is None: scale = [1] * 2 * base.num_dim elif len(scale) != 2 * base.num_dim: raise ValueError("Length of scale must be equal to twice the number " "of dimensions of the base kernel!") self.base = base super(MaskedKernel, self).__init__(num_dim=total_dim, num_params=base.num_params, initial_params=base.params, fixed_params=base.fixed_params, param_names=base.param_names, enforce_bounds=base.enforce_bounds, hyperprior=base.hyperprior) self.mask = mask # maskC is the complement of mask: self.maskC = range(0, self.num_dim) for v in self.mask: self.maskC.remove(v) self.scale = scale
[docs] def __getattribute__(self, name): """Gets all attributes from the base kernel. The exceptions are 'base', 'mask', 'maskC', 'num_dim', 'scale' and any special method (i.e., a method/attribute having leading and trailing double underscores), which are taken from :py:class:`MaskedKernel`. """ if not (name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__')) and name not in MASKEDKERNEL_RESERVED_NAMES: try: return self.base.__getattribute__(name) except AttributeError: return super(MaskedKernel, self).__getattribute__(name) else: return super(MaskedKernel, self).__getattribute__(name)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Sets all attributes in the base kernel. The exceptions are 'base', 'mask', 'maskC', 'num_dim', 'scale' and any special method (i.e., a method/attribute having leading and trailing double underscores), which are set in :py:class:`MaskedKernel`. """ if not (name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__')) and name not in MASKEDKERNEL_RESERVED_NAMES: return self.base.__setattr__(name, value) else: return super(MaskedKernel, self).__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def __call__(self, Xi, Xj, ni, nj, **kwargs): """Evaluate the covariance between points `Xi` and `Xj` with derivative order `ni`, `nj`. Note that in the argument specifications, `D` is the `total_dim` specified in the constructor (i.e., :py:attr:`num_dim` for the :py:class:`MaskedKernel` instance itself). Parameters ---------- Xi : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. Xj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. ni : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `i`. nj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `j`. hyper_deriv : Non-negative int or None, optional The index of the hyperparameter to compute the first derivative with respect to. If None, no derivatives are taken. Default is None (no hyperparameter derivatives). symmetric : bool, optional Whether or not the input `Xi`, `Xj` are from a symmetric matrix. Default is False. Returns ------- Kij : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) Covariances for each of the `M` `Xi`, `Xj` pairs. """ # Need to see if there are any derivatives of the masked variables: good_idxs = (ni[:, self.maskC] == 0).all(axis=1) & (nj[:, self.maskC] == 0).all(axis=1) result = scipy.zeros(Xi.shape[0]) # Need to do the indexing kinda funny to keep the shape right: if good_idxs.any(): scale_tile = scipy.tile(self.scale, (good_idxs.sum(), 1)) result[good_idxs] = self.base( Xi[good_idxs][:, self.mask] * scale_tile[:, :self.base.num_dim], Xj[good_idxs][:, self.mask] * scale_tile[:, self.base.num_dim:], ni[good_idxs][:, self.mask], nj[good_idxs][:, self.mask], **kwargs ) * (scale_tile**scipy.hstack((ni[good_idxs][:, self.mask], nj[good_idxs][:, self.mask]))).prod(axis=1) # Final factor is to account for the scaling. return result