Source code for gptools.kernel.gibbs

# Copyright 2014 Mark Chilenski
# This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Purpose License (GPL).
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# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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"""Provides classes and functions for creating SE kernels with warped length scales.

from __future__ import division

from .core import Kernel, ArbitraryKernel
from ..utils import unique_rows
from ..splines import spev

    import mpmath
except ImportError:
    import warnings
    warnings.warn("Could not import mpmath. Arbitrary warping functions for Gibbs kernels will not function.",
import scipy
import scipy.interpolate
import inspect

[docs]def tanh_warp_arb(X, l1, l2, lw, x0): r"""Warps the `X` coordinate with the tanh model .. math:: l = \frac{l_1 + l_2}{2} - \frac{l_1 - l_2}{2}\tanh\frac{x-x_0}{l_w} Parameters ---------- X : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) or scalar float `M` locations to evaluate length scale at. l1 : positive float Small-`X` saturation value of the length scale. l2 : positive float Large-`X` saturation value of the length scale. lw : positive float Length scale of the transition between the two length scales. x0 : float Location of the center of the transition between the two length scales. Returns ------- l : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) or scalar float The value of the length scale at the specified point. """ if isinstance(X, scipy.ndarray): if isinstance(X, scipy.matrix): X = scipy.asarray(X, dtype=float) return 0.5 * ((l1 + l2) - (l1 - l2) * scipy.tanh((X - x0) / lw)) else: return 0.5 * ((l1 + l2) - (l1 - l2) * mpmath.tanh((X - x0) / lw))
[docs]def gauss_warp_arb(X, l1, l2, lw, x0): r"""Warps the `X` coordinate with a Gaussian-shaped divot. .. math:: l = l_1 - (l_1 - l_2) \exp\left ( -4\ln 2\frac{(X-x_0)^2}{l_{w}^{2}} \right ) Parameters ---------- X : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) or scalar float `M` locations to evaluate length scale at. l1 : positive float Global value of the length scale. l2 : positive float Pedestal value of the length scale. lw : positive float Width of the dip. x0 : float Location of the center of the dip in length scale. Returns ------- l : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) or scalar float The value of the length scale at the specified point. """ if isinstance(X, scipy.ndarray): if isinstance(X, scipy.matrix): X = scipy.asarray(X, dtype=float) return l1 - (l1 - l2) * scipy.exp(-4.0 * scipy.log(2.0) * (X - x0)**2.0 / (lw**2.0)) else: return l1 - (l1 - l2) * mpmath.exp(-4.0 * mpmath.log(2.0) * (X - x0)**2.0 / (lw**2.0))
[docs]class GibbsFunction1dArb(object): r"""Wrapper class for the Gibbs covariance function, permits the use of arbitrary warping. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) Parameters ---------- warp_function : callable The function that warps the length scale as a function of X. Must have the fingerprint (`Xi`, `l1`, `l2`, `lw`, `x0`). """ def __init__(self, warp_function): self.warp_function = warp_function
[docs] def __call__(self, Xi, Xj, sigmaf, l1, l2, lw, x0): """Evaluate the covariance function between points `Xi` and `Xj`. Parameters ---------- Xi, Xj : :py:class:`Array`, :py:class:`mpf` or scalar float Points to evaluate covariance between. If they are :py:class:`Array`, :py:mod:`scipy` functions are used, otherwise :py:mod:`mpmath` functions are used. sigmaf : scalar float Prefactor on covariance. l1, l2, lw, x0 : scalar floats Parameters of length scale warping function, passed to :py:attr:`warp_function`. Returns ------- k : :py:class:`Array` or :py:class:`mpf` Covariance between the given points. """ li = self.warp_function(Xi, l1, l2, lw, x0) lj = self.warp_function(Xj, l1, l2, lw, x0) if isinstance(Xi, scipy.ndarray): if isinstance(Xi, scipy.matrix): Xi = scipy.asarray(Xi, dtype=float) Xj = scipy.asarray(Xj, dtype=float) return sigmaf**2.0 * (scipy.sqrt(2.0 * li * lj / (li**2.0 + lj**2.0)) * scipy.exp(-(Xi - Xj)**2.0 / (li**2 + lj**2))) else: return sigmaf**2.0 * (mpmath.sqrt(2.0 * li * lj / (li**2.0 + lj**2.0)) * mpmath.exp(-(Xi - Xj)**2.0 / (li**2 + lj**2)))
[docs]class GibbsKernel1dTanhArb(ArbitraryKernel): r"""Gibbs warped squared exponential covariance function in 1d. Computes derivatives using :py:func:`mpmath.diff` and is hence in general much slower than a hard-coded implementation of a given kernel. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) Warps the length scale using a hyperbolic tangent: .. math:: l = \frac{l_1 + l_2}{2} - \frac{l_1 - l_2}{2}\tanh\frac{x-x_0}{l_w} The order of the hyperparameters is: = ====== ======================================================================= 0 sigmaf Amplitude of the covariance function 1 l1 Small-X saturation value of the length scale. 2 l2 Large-X saturation value of the length scale. 3 lw Length scale of the transition between the two length scales. 4 x0 Location of the center of the transition between the two length scales. = ====== ======================================================================= Parameters ---------- **kwargs All parameters are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GibbsKernel1dTanhArb, self).__init__( GibbsFunction1dArb(tanh_warp_arb), num_dim=1, **kwargs )
[docs]class GibbsKernel1dGaussArb(ArbitraryKernel): r"""Gibbs warped squared exponential covariance function in 1d. Computes derivatives using :py:func:`mpmath.diff` and is hence in general much slower than a hard-coded implementation of a given kernel. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) Warps the length scale using a gaussian: .. math:: l = l_1 - (l_1 - l_2) \exp\left ( -4\ln 2\frac{(X-x_0)^2}{l_{w}^{2}} \right ) The order of the hyperparameters is: = ====== ================================================== 0 sigmaf Amplitude of the covariance function 1 l1 Global value of the length scale. 2 l2 Pedestal value of the length scale. 3 lw Width of the dip. 4 x0 Location of the center of the dip in length scale. = ====== ================================================== Parameters ---------- **kwargs All parameters are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GibbsKernel1dGaussArb, self).__init__( GibbsFunction1dArb(gauss_warp_arb), num_dim=1, **kwargs )
[docs]class GibbsKernel1d(Kernel): r"""Univariate Gibbs kernel with arbitrary length scale warping for low derivatives. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) The derivatives are hard-coded using expressions obtained from Mathematica. Parameters ---------- l_func : callable Function that dictates the length scale warping and its derivative. Must have fingerprint (`x`, `n`, `p1`, `p2`, ...) where `p1` is element one of the kernel's parameters (i.e., element zero is skipped). num_params : int, optional The number of parameters of the length scale function. If not passed, introspection will be used to determine this. This will fail if you have used the \*args syntax in your function definition. This count should include sigma_f, even though it is not passed to the length scale function. **kwargs All remaining arguments are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. """ def __init__(self, l_func, num_params=None, **kwargs): self.l_func = l_func # TODO: Some of the logic from warping should be ported over. if num_params is None: # There are two unimportant parameters at the start of the l_func # fingerprint, then we have to add one for sigma_f. try: num_params = len(inspect.getargspec(l_func)[0]) - 2 + 1 except TypeError: # Need to remove self from the arg list for bound method: num_params = len(inspect.getargspec(l_func.__call__)[0]) - 3 + 1 super(GibbsKernel1d, self).__init__(num_dim=1, num_params=num_params, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, Xi, Xj, ni, nj, hyper_deriv=None, symmetric=False): """Evaluate the covariance between points `Xi` and `Xj` with derivative order `ni`, `nj`. Parameters ---------- Xi : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. Xj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` inputs with dimension `D`. ni : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `i`. nj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `D`) `M` derivative orders for set `j`. hyper_deriv : Non-negative int or None, optional The index of the hyperparameter to compute the first derivative with respect to. If None, no derivatives are taken. Hyperparameter derivatives are not supported at this point. Default is None. symmetric : bool, optional Whether or not the input `Xi`, `Xj` are from a symmetric matrix. Default is False. Returns ------- Kij : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,) Covariances for each of the `M` `Xi`, `Xj` pairs. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the `hyper_deriv` keyword is not None. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Hyperparameter derivatives have not been implemented!") n_combined = scipy.asarray(scipy.hstack((ni, nj)), dtype=int) n_combined_unique = unique_rows(n_combined) x = scipy.asarray(Xi, dtype=float) y = scipy.asarray(Xj, dtype=float) lx = self.l_func(x, 0, *self.params[1:]) ly = self.l_func(y, 0, *self.params[1:]) lx1 = self.l_func(x, 1, *self.params[1:]) ly1 = self.l_func(y, 1, *self.params[1:]) x_y = x - y lx2ly2 = lx**2 + ly**2 k = scipy.zeros(Xi.shape[0], dtype=float) for n_combined_state in n_combined_unique: idxs = (n_combined == n_combined_state).all(axis=1) # Derviative expressions evaluated with Mathematica, assuming l>0. if (n_combined_state == scipy.asarray([0, 0])).all(): k[idxs] = (scipy.sqrt(2.0 * lx[idxs] * ly[idxs] / lx2ly2[idxs]) * scipy.exp(-x_y[idxs]**2 / lx2ly2[idxs])) elif (n_combined_state == scipy.asarray([1, 0])).all(): k[idxs] = ( ( scipy.exp(-(x_y[idxs]**2 / lx2ly2[idxs])) * ly[idxs] * ( -4 * x_y[idxs] * lx[idxs]**3 - 4 * x_y[idxs] * lx[idxs] * ly[idxs]**2 + 4 * x_y[idxs]**2 * lx[idxs]**2 * lx1[idxs] - lx[idxs]**4 * lx1[idxs] + ly[idxs]**4 * lx1[idxs] ) ) / (scipy.sqrt(2 * lx[idxs] * ly[idxs]) * lx2ly2[idxs]**2.5) ) elif (n_combined_state == scipy.asarray([0, 1])).all(): k[idxs] = ( ( scipy.exp(-(x_y[idxs]**2 / lx2ly2[idxs])) * lx[idxs] * ( 4 * x_y[idxs] * ly[idxs]**3 + 4 * x_y[idxs] * ly[idxs] * lx[idxs]**2 + 4 * x_y[idxs]**2 * ly[idxs]**2 * ly1[idxs] - ly[idxs]**4 * ly1[idxs] + lx[idxs]**4 * ly1[idxs] ) ) / (scipy.sqrt(2 * lx[idxs] * ly[idxs]) * lx2ly2[idxs]**2.5) ) elif (n_combined_state == scipy.asarray([1, 1])).all(): k[idxs] = ( ( scipy.exp(-(x_y[idxs]**2 / lx2ly2[idxs])) * ( -lx[idxs]**8 * lx1[idxs] * ly1[idxs] + 4 * lx[idxs]**7 * (2 * ly[idxs] - x_y[idxs] * ly1[idxs]) - 4 * lx[idxs]**5 * ly[idxs] * ( 4 * x_y[idxs]**2 - 6 * ly[idxs]**2 - 3 * x_y[idxs] * ly[idxs] * ly1[idxs] ) + ly[idxs]**6 * lx1[idxs] * ( 4 * x_y[idxs] * ly[idxs] + 4 * x_y[idxs]**2 * ly1[idxs] - ly[idxs]**2 * ly1[idxs] ) + 4 * lx[idxs]**6 * lx1[idxs] * ( -5 * x_y[idxs] * ly[idxs] + x_y[idxs]**2 * ly1[idxs] + 2 * ly[idxs]**2 * ly1[idxs] ) - 4 * lx[idxs] * ly[idxs]**4 * ( 4 * x_y[idxs]**2 * ly[idxs] - 2 * ly[idxs]**3 + 4 * x_y[idxs]**3 * ly1[idxs] - 5 * x_y[idxs] * ly[idxs]**2 * ly1[idxs] ) - 4 * lx[idxs]**3 * ly[idxs]**2 * ( 8 * x_y[idxs]**2 * ly[idxs] - 6 * ly[idxs]**3 + 4 * x_y[idxs]**3 * ly1[idxs] - 9 * x_y[idxs] * ly[idxs]**2 * ly1[idxs] ) + 2 * lx[idxs]**4 * ly[idxs] * lx1[idxs] * ( 8 * x_y[idxs]**3 - 18 * x_y[idxs] * ly[idxs]**2 - 18 * x_y[idxs]**2 * ly[idxs] * ly1[idxs] + 9 * ly[idxs]**3 * ly1[idxs] ) + 4 * lx[idxs]**2 * ly[idxs]**2 * lx1[idxs] * ( 4 * x_y[idxs]**3 * ly[idxs] - 3 * x_y[idxs] * ly[idxs]**3 + 4 * x_y[idxs]**4 * ly1[idxs] - 9 * x_y[idxs]**2 * ly[idxs]**2 * ly1[idxs] + 2 * ly[idxs]**4 * ly1[idxs] ) ) ) / (2 * scipy.sqrt(2 * lx[idxs] * ly[idxs]) * lx2ly2[idxs]**4.5) ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Derivatives greater than [1, 1] are not supported!") k = self.params[0]**2 * k return k
[docs]def tanh_warp(x, n, l1, l2, lw, x0): r"""Implements a tanh warping function and its derivative. .. math:: l = \frac{l_1 + l_2}{2} - \frac{l_1 - l_2}{2}\tanh\frac{x-x_0}{l_w} Parameters ---------- x : float or array of float Locations to evaluate the function at. n : int Derivative order to take. Used for ALL of the points. l1 : positive float Left saturation value. l2 : positive float Right saturation value. lw : positive float Transition width. x0 : float Transition location. Returns ------- l : float or array Warped length scale at the given locations. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If `n` > 1. """ if n == 0: return (l1 + l2) / 2.0 - (l1 - l2) / 2.0 * scipy.tanh((x - x0) / lw) elif n == 1: return -(l1 - l2) / (2.0 * lw) * (scipy.cosh((x - x0) / lw))**(-2.0) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only derivatives up to order 1 are supported!")
[docs]class GibbsKernel1dTanh(GibbsKernel1d): r"""Gibbs warped squared exponential covariance function in 1d. Uses hard-coded implementation up to first derivatives. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) Warps the length scale using a hyperbolic tangent: .. math:: l = \frac{l_1 + l_2}{2} - \frac{l_1 - l_2}{2}\tanh\frac{x-x_0}{l_w} The order of the hyperparameters is: = ====== ======================================================================= 0 sigmaf Amplitude of the covariance function 1 l1 Small-X saturation value of the length scale. 2 l2 Large-X saturation value of the length scale. 3 lw Length scale of the transition between the two length scales. 4 x0 Location of the center of the transition between the two length scales. = ====== ======================================================================= Parameters ---------- **kwargs All parameters are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GibbsKernel1dTanh, self).__init__( tanh_warp, param_names=[r'\sigma_f', 'l_1', 'l_2', 'l_w', 'x_0'], **kwargs )
[docs]def double_tanh_warp(x, n, lcore, lmid, ledge, la, lb, xa, xb): r"""Implements a sum-of-tanh warping function and its derivative. .. math:: l = a\tanh\frac{x-x_a}{l_a} + b\tanh\frac{x-x_b}{l_b} Parameters ---------- x : float or array of float Locations to evaluate the function at. n : int Derivative order to take. Used for ALL of the points. lcore : float Core length scale. lmid : float Intermediate length scale. ledge : float Edge length scale. la : positive float Transition of first tanh. lb : positive float Transition of second tanh. xa : float Transition of first tanh. xb : float Transition of second tanh. Returns ------- l : float or array Warped length scale at the given locations. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If `n` > 1. """ a, b, c =[[-0.5, 0, 0.5], [0, 0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], [[lcore], [ledge], [lmid]]) a = a[0] b = b[0] c = c[0] if n == 0: return a * scipy.tanh((x - xa) / la) + b * scipy.tanh((x - xb) / lb) + c elif n == 1: return (a / la * (scipy.cosh((x - xa) / la))**(-2.0) + b / lb * (scipy.cosh((x - xb) / lb))**(-2.0)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only derivatives up to order 1 are supported!")
[docs]class GibbsKernel1dDoubleTanh(GibbsKernel1d): r"""Gibbs warped squared exponential covariance function in 1d. Uses hard-coded implementation up to first derivatives. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) Warps the length scale using two hyperbolic tangents: .. math:: l = a\tanh\frac{x-x_a}{l_a} + b\tanh\frac{x-x_b}{l_b} The order of the hyperparameters is: = ====== ==================================== 0 sigmaf Amplitude of the covariance function 1 lcore Core length scale 2 lmid Intermediate length scale 3 ledge Edge length scale 4 la Width of first tanh 5 lb Width of second tanh 6 xa Center of first tanh 7 xb Center of second tanh = ====== ==================================== Parameters ---------- **kwargs All parameters are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GibbsKernel1dDoubleTanh, self).__init__( double_tanh_warp, param_names=[r'\sigma_f', 'l_c', 'l_m', 'l_e', 'l_a', 'l_b', 'x_a', 'x_b'], **kwargs )
[docs]def cubic_bucket_warp(x, n, l1, l2, l3, x0, w1, w2, w3): """Warps the length scale with a piecewise cubic "bucket" shape. Parameters ---------- x : float or array-like of float Locations to evaluate length scale at. n : non-negative int Derivative order to evaluate. Only first derivatives are supported. l1 : positive float Length scale to the left of the bucket. l2 : positive float Length scale in the bucket. l3 : positive float Length scale to the right of the bucket. x0 : float Location of the center of the bucket. w1 : positive float Width of the left side cubic section. w2 : positive float Width of the bucket. w3 : positive float Width of the right side cubic section. """ x1 = x0 - w2 / 2.0 - w1 / 2.0 x2 = x0 + w2 / 2.0 + w3 / 2.0 x_shift_1 = (x - x1 + w1 / 2.0) / w1 x_shift_2 = (x - x2 + w3 / 2.0) / w3 if n == 0: return ( l1 * (x <= (x1 - w1 / 2.0)) + ( -2.0 * (l2 - l1) * (x_shift_1**3 - 3.0 / 2.0 * x_shift_1**2) + l1 ) * ((x > (x1 - w1 / 2.0)) & (x < (x1 + w1 / 2.0))) + l2 * ((x >= (x1 + w1 / 2.0)) & (x <= x2 - w3 / 2.0)) + ( -2.0 * (l3 - l2) * (x_shift_2**3 - 3.0 / 2.0 * x_shift_2**2) + l2 ) * ((x > (x2 - w3 / 2.0)) & (x < (x2 + w3 / 2.0))) + l3 * (x >= (x2 + w3 / 2.0)) ) elif n == 1: return ( ( -2.0 * (l2 - l1) * (3 * x_shift_1**2 - 3.0 * x_shift_1) / w1 ) * ((x > (x1 - w1 / 2.0)) & (x < (x1 + w1 / 2.0))) + ( -2.0 * (l3 - l2) * (3 * x_shift_2**2 - 3.0 * x_shift_2) / w3 ) * ((x > (x2 - w3 / 2.0)) & (x < (x2 + w3 / 2.0))) ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only up to first derivatives are supported!")
[docs]class GibbsKernel1dCubicBucket(GibbsKernel1d): r"""Gibbs warped squared exponential covariance function in 1d. Uses hard-coded implementation up to first derivatives. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) Warps the length scale using a "bucket" function with cubic joins. The order of the hyperparameters is: = ====== ======================================== 0 sigmaf Amplitude of the covariance function 1 l1 Length scale to the left of the bucket. 2 l2 Length scale in the bucket. 3 l3 Length scale to the right of the bucket. 4 x0 Location of the center of the bucket. 5 w1 Width of the left side cubic section. 6 w2 Width of the bucket. 7 w3 Width of the right side cubic section. = ====== ======================================== Parameters ---------- **kwargs All parameters are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GibbsKernel1dBucket, self).__init__( cubic_bucket_warp, param_names=[r'\sigma_f', 'l_1', 'l_2', 'l_3', 'x_0', 'w_1', 'w_2', 'w_3'], **kwargs )
[docs]def quintic_bucket_warp(x, n, l1, l2, l3, x0, w1, w2, w3): """Warps the length scale with a piecewise quintic "bucket" shape. Parameters ---------- x : float or array-like of float Locations to evaluate length scale at. n : non-negative int Derivative order to evaluate. Only first derivatives are supported. l1 : positive float Length scale to the left of the bucket. l2 : positive float Length scale in the bucket. l3 : positive float Length scale to the right of the bucket. x0 : float Location of the center of the bucket. w1 : positive float Width of the left side quintic section. w2 : positive float Width of the bucket. w3 : positive float Width of the right side quintic section. """ x1 = x0 - w2 / 2.0 - w1 / 2.0 x2 = x0 + w2 / 2.0 + w3 / 2.0 x_shift_1 = 2.0 * (x - x1) / w1 x_shift_3 = 2.0 * (x - x2) / w3 if n == 0: return ( l1 * (x <= (x1 - w1 / 2.0)) + ( 0.5 * (l2 - l1) * ( 3.0 / 8.0 * x_shift_1**5 - 5.0 / 4.0 * x_shift_1**3 + 15.0 / 8.0 * x_shift_1 ) + (l1 + l2) / 2.0 ) * ((x > (x1 - w1 / 2.0)) & (x < (x1 + w1 / 2.0))) + l2 * ((x >= (x1 + w1 / 2.0)) & (x <= x2 - w3 / 2.0)) + ( 0.5 * (l3 - l2) * ( 3.0 / 8.0 * x_shift_3**5 - 5.0 / 4.0 * x_shift_3**3 + 15.0 / 8.0 * x_shift_3 ) + (l2 + l3) / 2.0 ) * ((x > (x2 - w3 / 2.0)) & (x < (x2 + w3 / 2.0))) + l3 * (x >= (x2 + w3 / 2.0)) ) elif n == 1: return ( ( 0.5 * (l2 - l1) * ( 5.0 * 3.0 / 8.0 * x_shift_1**4 - 3.0 * 5.0 / 4.0 * x_shift_1**2 + 15.0 / 8.0 ) / w1 ) * ((x > (x1 - w1 / 2.0)) & (x < (x1 + w1 / 2.0))) + ( 0.5 * (l3 - l2) * ( 5.0 * 3.0 / 8.0 * x_shift_3**4 - 3.0 * 5.0 / 4.0 * x_shift_3**2 + 15.0 / 8.0 ) / w3 ) * ((x > (x2 - w3 / 2.0)) & (x < (x2 + w3 / 2.0))) ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only up to first derivatives are supported!")
[docs]class GibbsKernel1dQuinticBucket(GibbsKernel1d): r"""Gibbs warped squared exponential covariance function in 1d. Uses hard-coded implementation up to first derivatives. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) Warps the length scale using a "bucket" function with quintic joins. The order of the hyperparameters is: = ====== ======================================== 0 sigmaf Amplitude of the covariance function 1 l1 Length scale to the left of the bucket. 2 l2 Length scale in the bucket. 3 l3 Length scale to the right of the bucket. 4 x0 Location of the center of the bucket. 5 w1 Width of the left side quintic section. 6 w2 Width of the bucket. 7 w3 Width of the right side quintic section. = ====== ======================================== Parameters ---------- **kwargs All parameters are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GibbsKernel1dQuinticBucket, self).__init__( quintic_bucket_warp, param_names=[r'\sigma_f', 'l_1', 'l_2', 'l_3', 'x_0', 'w_1', 'w_2', 'w_3'], **kwargs )
[docs]def exp_gauss_warp(X, n, l0, *msb): """Length scale function which is an exponential of a sum of Gaussians. The centers and widths of the Gaussians are free parameters. The length scale function is given by .. math:: l = l_0 \exp\left ( \sum_{i=1}^{N}\beta_i\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-\mu_i)^2}{2\sigma_i^2} \right ) \right ) The number of parameters is equal to the three times the number of Gaussians plus 1 (for :math:`l_0`). This function is inspired by what Gibbs used in his PhD thesis. Parameters ---------- X : 1d or 2d array of float The points to evaluate the function at. If 2d, it should only have one column (but this is not checked to save time). n : int The derivative order to compute. Used for all `X`. l0 : float The covariance length scale at the edges of the domain. *msb : floats Means, standard deviations and weights for each Gaussian, in that order. """ X = scipy.asarray(X, dtype=float) msb = scipy.asarray(msb, dtype=float) mm = msb[:len(msb) / 3] ss = msb[len(msb) / 3:2 * len(msb) / 3] bb = msb[2 * len(msb) / 3:] # This is done with for-loops, because trying to get fancy with # broadcasting was being too memory-intensive for some reason. if n == 0: l = scipy.zeros_like(X) for m, s, b in zip(mm, ss, bb): l += b * scipy.exp(-(X - m)**2.0 / (2.0 * s**2.0)) l = l0 * scipy.exp(l) return l elif n == 1: l1 = scipy.zeros_like(X) l2 = scipy.zeros_like(X) for m, s, b in zip(mm, ss, bb): term = b * scipy.exp(-(X - m)**2.0 / (2.0 * s**2.0)) l1 += term l2 += term * (X - m) / s**2.0 l = -l0 * scipy.exp(l1) * l2 return l else: raise NotImplementedError("Only n <= 1 is supported!")
[docs]class GibbsKernel1dExpGauss(GibbsKernel1d): r"""Gibbs warped squared exponential covariance function in 1d. Uses hard-coded implementation up to first derivatives. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) Warps the length scale using an exponential of Gaussian basis functions. The order of the hyperparameters is: = ====== ===================================== 0 sigmaf Amplitude of the covariance function. 1 l0 Length far away from the Gaussians. 2 mu1 Mean of first Gaussian. 3 mu2 And so on for all Gaussians... 4 sigma1 Width of first Gaussian. 5 sigma2 And so on for all Gaussians... 6 beta1 Amplitude of first Gaussian. 7 beta2 And so on for all Gaussians... = ====== ===================================== Parameters ---------- n_gaussians : int The number of Gaussian basis functions to use. **kwargs All keywords are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. """ def __init__(self, n_gaussians, **kwargs): super(GibbsKernel1dExpGauss, self).__init__( exp_gauss_warp, num_params=3 * n_gaussians + 2, param_names=( [r'\sigma_f', 'l_0'] + [r'\mu_{%d}' % (i + 1,) for i in range(n_gaussians)] + [r'\sigma_{%d}' % (i + 1,) for i in range(n_gaussians)] + [r'\beta_{%d}' % (i + 1,) for i in range(n_gaussians)] ), **kwargs )
[docs]class BSplineWarp(object): """Length scale function which is a B-spline. The degree is fixed at creation, the knot locations and coefficients are free parameters. Parameters ---------- k : int, optional The polynomial degree to use. Default is 3 (cubic). """ def __init__(self, k=3): self.k = k
[docs] def __call__(self, X, n, *tC): """Evaluate the length scale function with the given knots and coefficients. If X is 2d, uses the first column. Parameters ---------- X : array of float, (`N`,) The points to evaluate the length scale function at. n : int The derivative order to compute. *tC : `2M + k - 1` floats The `M` knots followed by the `M + k - 1` coefficients to use. """ X = scipy.asarray(X, dtype=float) shape = X.shape if X.ndim == 2: X = X[:, 0] tC = scipy.asarray(tC, dtype=float) nt = (len(tC) - self.k + 1) // 2 t = tC[:nt] C = tC[nt:] return scipy.reshape(spev(t, C, self.k, X, n=n), shape)
[docs]class GibbsKernel1dBSpline(GibbsKernel1d): r"""Gibbs warped squared exponential covariance function in 1d. Uses hard-coded implementation up to first derivatives. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) Warps the length scale using a B-spline with free knots but fixed order. You should always put fixed boundary knots at or beyond the edge of your domain, otherwise the length scale will go to zero. You should always use hyperpriors which keep the coefficients positive, otherwise the length scale can go to zero/be negative. The order of the hyperparameters is: = ====== ============================================== 0 sigmaf Amplitude of the covariance function. 1 t1 First knot locations. 2 t2 And so on for all `nt` knots... 3 C1 First coefficient. 4 C2 And so on for all `nt + k - 1` coefficients... = ====== ============================================== Parameters ---------- nt : int Number of knots to use. Should be at least two (at the edges of the domain of interest). k : int, optional The polynomial degree to use. Default is 3 (cubic). **kwargs All keywords are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. """ def __init__(self, nt, k=3, **kwargs): super(GibbsKernel1dBSpline, self).__init__( BSplineWarp(k=k), num_params=2 * nt + k - 1 + 1, param_names=( [r'\sigma_f',] + [r't_{%d}' % (i + 1,) for i in range(nt)] + [r'C_{%d}' % (i + 1,) for i in range(nt + k - 1)] ), **kwargs )
[docs]class GPWarp(object): """Length scale function which is a Gaussian process. Parameters ---------- npts : int The number of points the GP's value will be specified on. k : :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel` instance, optional The covariance kernel to use for the GP. The default is to use a :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.squared_exponential.SquaredExponentialKernel` with fixed :math:`\sigma_f` (since it does not matter here) and broad bounds on :math:`l_1`. """ def __init__(self, npts, k=None): self.npts = npts from ..gaussian_process import GaussianProcess if k is None: from .squared_exponential import SquaredExponentialKernel k = SquaredExponentialKernel(fixed_params=[True, False]) = GaussianProcess(k, X=scipy.zeros(npts), y=scipy.zeros(npts))
[docs] def __call__(self, X, n, *hpXy): """Evaluate the length scale. Parameters ---------- X : array of float The points to evaluate the length scale at. n : int The order of derivative to compute. *hpXy : floats The free hyperparameters of the GP, then the points to set the value at, then the values to use. """ hpXy = scipy.asarray(hpXy) hp = hpXy[:len(] X_grid = hpXy[len( + self.npts] y_grid = hpXy[len( + self.npts:][:, 0] = X_grid[:] = y_grid return, n=n, return_std=False)
[docs]class GibbsKernel1dGP(GibbsKernel1d): r"""Gibbs warped squared exponential covariance function in 1d. Uses hard-coded implementation up to first derivatives. The covariance function is given by .. math:: k = \left ( \frac{2l(x)l(x')}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right )^{1/2}\exp\left ( -\frac{(x-x')^2}{l^2(x)+l^2(x')} \right ) Warps the length scale using a Gaussian process which interpolates the values specified at a set number of points. Both the values and the locations of the points can be treated as free parameters. You should try to pick a hyperprior which keeps the outer points close to the edge of the domain, as otherwise the Gaussian process will try to go to zero there. You should put a hyperprior on the values at the points which keeps them positive, otherwise unphysical length scales will result. The order of the hyperparameters is: = ====== ================================================ 0 sigmaf Amplitude of the covariance function. 1 hp1 First hyperparameter of the covariance function. 2 hp2 And so on for all free hyperparameters... 3 x1 Location of the first point to set the value at. 4 x2 And so on for all points the value is set at... 5 y1 Length scale at the first point. 6 y2 And so on for all points the value is set at... = ====== ================================================ Parameters ---------- npts : int Number of points to use. k : :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel` instance, optional The covariance kernel to use for the GP. The default is to use a :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.squared_exponential.SquaredExponentialKernel` with fixed :math:`\sigma_f` (since it does not matter here) and broad bounds on :math:`l_1`. **kwargs All keywords are passed to :py:class:`~gptools.kernel.core.Kernel`. """ def __init__(self, npts, k=None, **kwargs): w = GPWarp(npts, k=k) super(GibbsKernel1dGP, self).__init__( w, num_params=len( + 2 * npts + 1, param_names=( [r'\sigma_f',] + list( + [r'x_{%d}' % (i + 1,) for i in range(npts)] + [r'y_{%d}' % (i + 1,) for i in range(npts)] ), **kwargs )