Source code for gptools.utils

# Copyright 2013 Mark Chilenski
# This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Purpose License (GPL).
# Refer to
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""Provides convenient utilities for working with the classes and results from :py:mod:`gptools`.

from __future__ import division

import collections
import warnings
import scipy
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.special
import scipy.stats
import numpy.random
import copy
import itertools
    import emcee
except ImportError:
        "Could not import emcee: MCMC sampling will not be available.",
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.widgets as mplw
    import matplotlib.gridspec as mplgs
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
    import matplotlib.patches as mplp
except ImportError:
        "Could not import matplotlib. Plotting functions will not be available!",

[docs]class JointPrior(object): """Abstract class for objects implementing joint priors over hyperparameters. In addition to the abstract methods defined in this template, implementations should also have an attribute named `bounds` which contains the bounds (for a prior with finite bounds) or the 95%% interval (for a prior which is unbounded in at least one direction). """ def __init__(self, i=1.0): """Sets the interval that :py:attr:`bounds` should return. Parameters ---------- i : float, optional The interval to return. Default is 1.0 (100%%). Another useful value is 95%%. """ self.i = 1.0
[docs] def __call__(self, theta, hyper_deriv=None): """Evaluate the prior log-PDF at the given values of the hyperparameters, theta. Parameters ---------- theta : array-like, (`num_params`,) The hyperparameters to evaluate the log-PDF at. hyper_deriv : int or None, optional If present, return the derivative of the log-PDF with respect to the variable with this index. """ raise NotImplementedError("__call__ must be implemented in your own class.")
[docs] def random_draw(self, size=None): """Draw random samples of the hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- size : None, int or array-like, optional The number/shape of samples to draw. If None, only one sample is returned. Default is None. """ raise NotImplementedError("random_draw must be implemented in your own class.")
[docs] def sample_u(self, q): r"""Extract a sample from random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the inverse CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of PPF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed uniformly on :math:`[0, 1]`, this function will return corresponding samples for each variable. Parameters ---------- q : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values between 0 and 1 to evaluate inverse CDF at. """ raise NotImplementedError("ppf must be implemented in your own class.")
[docs] def elementwise_cdf(self, p): r"""Convert a sample to random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of CDF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed according to the prior, this function will return variables uniform on :math:`[0, 1]` corresponding to each variable. This is the inverse operation to :py:meth:`sample_u`. Parameters ---------- p : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values to evaluate CDF at. """ raise NotImplementedError("cdf must be implemented in your own class.")
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply two :py:class:`JointPrior` instances together. """ return ProductJointPrior(self, other)
[docs]class CombinedBounds(object): """Object to support reassignment of the bounds from a combined prior. Works for any types of arrays. Parameters ---------- l1 : array-like The first list. l2 : array-like The second list. """ # TODO: This could use a lot more work! def __init__(self, l1, l2): self.l1 = l1 self.l2 = l2
[docs] def __getitem__(self, pos): """Get the item(s) at `pos`. `pos` can be a basic slice object. But, the method is implemented by turning the internal array-like objects into lists, so only the basic indexing capabilities supported by the list data type can be used. """ return (list(self.l1) + list(self.l2))[pos]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, pos, value): """Set the item at location pos to value. Only works for scalar indices. """ if pos < len(self.l1): self.l1[pos] = value else: self.l2[pos - len(self.l1)] = value
[docs] def __len__(self): """Get the length of the combined arrays. """ return len(self.l1) + len(self.l2)
[docs] def __invert__(self): """Return the elementwise inverse. """ return ~scipy.asarray(self)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Get user-friendly string representation. """ return str(self[:])
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Get exact string representation. """ return str(self) + " from CombinedBounds(" + str(self.l1) + ", " + str(self.l2) + ")"
[docs]class MaskedBounds(object): """Object to support reassignment of free parameter bounds. Parameters ---------- a : array The array to be masked. m : array of int The indices in `a` which are to be accessible. """ def __init__(self, a, m): self.a = a self.m = m
[docs] def __getitem__(self, pos): """Get the item(s) at location `pos` in the masked array. """ return self.a[self.m[pos]]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, pos, value): """Set the item(s) at location `pos` in the masked array. """ self.a[self.m[pos]] = value
[docs] def __len__(self): """Get the length of the masked array. """ return len(self.m)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Get user-friendly string representation. """ return str(self[:])
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Get exact string representation. """ return str(self) + " from MaskedBounds(" + str(self.a) + ", " + str(self.m) + ")"
[docs]class ProductJointPrior(JointPrior): """Product of two independent priors. Parameters ---------- p1, p2: :py:class:`JointPrior` instances The two priors to merge. """ def __init__(self, p1, p2): if not isinstance(p1, JointPrior) or not isinstance(p2, JointPrior): raise TypeError( "Both arguments to ProductPrior must be instances of JointPrior!" ) self.p1 = p1 self.p2 = p2 @property def i(self): return min(self.p1.i, self.p2.i) @i.setter def i(self, v): self.p1.i = i self.p2.i = i @property def bounds(self): return CombinedBounds(self.p1.bounds, self.p2.bounds) @bounds.setter def bounds(self, v): num_p1_bounds = len(self.p1.bounds) self.p1.bounds = v[:num_p1_bounds] self.p2.bounds = v[num_p1_bounds:]
[docs] def __call__(self, theta, hyper_deriv=None): """Evaluate the prior log-PDF at the given values of the hyperparameters, theta. The log-PDFs of the two priors are summed. Parameters ---------- theta : array-like, (`num_params`,) The hyperparameters to evaluate the log-PDF at. """ p1_num_params = len(self.p1.bounds) if hyper_deriv is not None: if hyper_deriv < p1_num_params: return self.p1(theta[:p1_num_params], hyper_deriv=hyper_deriv) else: return self.p2(theta[p1_num_params:], hyper_deriv=hyper_deriv - p1_num_params) return self.p1(theta[:p1_num_params]) + self.p2(theta[p1_num_params:])
[docs] def sample_u(self, q): r"""Extract a sample from random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the inverse CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of PPF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed uniformly on :math:`[0, 1]`, this function will return corresponding samples for each variable. Parameters ---------- q : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values between 0 and 1 to evaluate inverse CDF at. """ p1_num_params = len(self.p1.bounds) return scipy.concatenate( ( self.p1.sample_u(q[:p1_num_params]), self.p2.sample_u(q[p1_num_params:]) ) )
[docs] def elementwise_cdf(self, p): r"""Convert a sample to random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of CDF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed according to the prior, this function will return variables uniform on :math:`[0, 1]` corresponding to each variable. This is the inverse operation to :py:meth:`sample_u`. Parameters ---------- p : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values to evaluate CDF at. """ p1_num_params = len(self.p1.bounds) return scipy.concatenate( ( self.p1.elementwise_cdf(p[:p1_num_params]), self.p2.elementwise_cdf(p[p1_num_params:]) ) )
[docs] def random_draw(self, size=None): """Draw random samples of the hyperparameters. The outputs of the two priors are stacked vertically. Parameters ---------- size : None, int or array-like, optional The number/shape of samples to draw. If None, only one sample is returned. Default is None. """ draw_1 = self.p1.random_draw(size=size) draw_2 = self.p2.random_draw(size=size) if draw_1.ndim == 1: return scipy.hstack((draw_1, draw_2)) else: return scipy.vstack((draw_1, draw_2))
[docs]class UniformJointPrior(JointPrior): """Uniform prior over the specified bounds. Parameters ---------- bounds : list of tuples, (`num_params`,) The bounds for each of the random variables. ub : list of float, (`num_params`,), optional The upper bounds for each of the random variables. If present, `bounds` is then taken to be a list of float with the lower bounds. This gives :py:class:`UniformJointPrior` a similar calling fingerprint as the other :py:class:`JointPrior` classes. """ def __init__(self, bounds, ub=None, **kwargs): super(UniformJointPrior, self).__init__(**kwargs) if ub is not None: try: bounds = zip(bounds, ub) except TypeError: bounds = [(bounds, ub)] self.bounds = bounds
[docs] def __call__(self, theta, hyper_deriv=None): """Evaluate the prior log-PDF at the given values of the hyperparameters, theta. Parameters ---------- theta : array-like, (`num_params`,) The hyperparameters to evaluate the log-PDF at. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: return 0.0 ll = 0.0 for v, b in zip(theta, self.bounds): if b[0] <= v and v <= b[1]: ll += -scipy.log(b[1] - b[0]) else: ll = -scipy.inf break return ll
[docs] def sample_u(self, q): r"""Extract a sample from random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the inverse CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of PPF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed uniformly on :math:`[0, 1]`, this function will return corresponding samples for each variable. Parameters ---------- q : array of float Values between 0 and 1 to evaluate inverse CDF at. """ q = scipy.atleast_1d(q) if len(q) != len(self.bounds): raise ValueError("length of q must equal the number of parameters!") if q.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("q must be one-dimensional!") if (q < 0).any() or (q > 1).any(): raise ValueError("q must be within [0, 1]!") return scipy.asarray([(b[1] - b[0]) * v + b[0] for v, b in zip(q, self.bounds)])
[docs] def elementwise_cdf(self, p): r"""Convert a sample to random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of CDF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed according to the prior, this function will return variables uniform on :math:`[0, 1]` corresponding to each variable. This is the inverse operation to :py:meth:`sample_u`. Parameters ---------- p : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values to evaluate CDF at. """ p = scipy.atleast_1d(p) if len(p) != len(self.bounds): raise ValueError("length of p must equal the number of parameters!") if p.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("p must be one-dimensional!") c = scipy.zeros(len(self.bounds)) for k in xrange(0, len(self.bounds)): if p[k] <= self.bounds[k][0]: c[k] = 0.0 elif p[k] >= self.bounds[k][1]: c[k] = 1.0 else: c[k] = (p[k] - self.bounds[k][0]) / (self.bounds[k][1] - self.bounds[k][0]) return c
[docs] def random_draw(self, size=None): """Draw random samples of the hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- size : None, int or array-like, optional The number/shape of samples to draw. If None, only one sample is returned. Default is None. """ return scipy.asarray([numpy.random.uniform(low=b[0], high=b[1], size=size) for b in self.bounds])
[docs]class CoreEdgeJointPrior(UniformJointPrior): """Prior for use with Gibbs kernel warping functions with an inequality constraint between the core and edge length scales. """
[docs] def __call__(self, theta, hyper_deriv=None): """Evaluate the prior log-PDF at the given values of the hyperparameters, theta. Parameters ---------- theta : array-like, (`num_params`,) The hyperparameters to evaluate the log-PDF at. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: return 0.0 ll = 0 bounds_new = copy.copy(self.bounds) bounds_new[2] = (self.bounds[2][0], theta[1]) for v, b in zip(theta, bounds_new): if b[0] <= v and v <= b[1]: ll += -scipy.log(b[1] - b[0]) else: ll = -scipy.inf break return ll
[docs] def sample_u(self, q): r"""Extract a sample from random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the inverse CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of PPF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed uniformly on :math:`[0, 1]`, this function will return corresponding samples for each variable. Parameters ---------- q : array of float Values between 0 and 1 to evaluate inverse CDF at. """ # TODO: Do this! raise NotImplementedError("Not done yet!")
[docs] def elementwise_cdf(self, p): r"""Convert a sample to random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of CDF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed according to the prior, this function will return variables uniform on :math:`[0, 1]` corresponding to each variable. This is the inverse operation to :py:meth:`sample_u`. Parameters ---------- p : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values to evaluate CDF at. """ # TODO: Do this! raise NotImplementedError("Not done yet!")
[docs] def random_draw(self, size=None): """Draw random samples of the hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- size : None, int or array-like, optional The number/shape of samples to draw. If None, only one sample is returned. Default is None. """ if size is None: size = 1 single_val = True else: single_val = False out_shape = [len(self.bounds)] try: out_shape.extend(size) except TypeError: out_shape.append(size) out = scipy.zeros(out_shape) for j in xrange(0, len(self.bounds)): if j != 2: out[j, :] = numpy.random.uniform(low=self.bounds[j][0], high=self.bounds[j][1], size=size) else: out[j, :] = numpy.random.uniform(low=self.bounds[j][0], high=out[j - 1, :], size=size) if not single_val: return out else: return out.ravel()
[docs]class CoreMidEdgeJointPrior(UniformJointPrior): """Prior for use with Gibbs kernel warping functions with an inequality constraint between the core, mid and edge length scales and the core-mid and mid-edge joins. """
[docs] def __call__(self, theta, hyper_deriv=None): """Evaluate the prior log-PDF at the given values of the hyperparameters, theta. Parameters ---------- theta : array-like, (`num_params`,) The hyperparameters to evaluate the log-PDF at. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: return 0.0 ll = 0 bounds_new = copy.copy(self.bounds) # lc < lm: # bounds_new[1] = (self.bounds[1][0], theta[2]) # le < lm: # bounds_new[3] = (self.bounds[3][0], theta[2]) # xa < xb: bounds_new[6] = (self.bounds[6][0], theta[7]) for v, b in zip(theta, bounds_new): if b[0] <= v and v <= b[1]: ll += -scipy.log(b[1] - b[0]) else: ll = -scipy.inf break return ll
[docs] def sample_u(self, q): r"""Extract a sample from random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the inverse CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of PPF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed uniformly on :math:`[0, 1]`, this function will return corresponding samples for each variable. Parameters ---------- q : array of float Values between 0 and 1 to evaluate inverse CDF at. """ # TODO: Do this! raise NotImplementedError("Not done yet!")
[docs] def elementwise_cdf(self, p): r"""Convert a sample to random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of CDF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed according to the prior, this function will return variables uniform on :math:`[0, 1]` corresponding to each variable. This is the inverse operation to :py:meth:`sample_u`. Parameters ---------- p : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values to evaluate CDF at. """ # TODO: Do this! raise NotImplementedError("Not done yet!")
[docs] def random_draw(self, size=None): """Draw random samples of the hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- size : None, int or array-like, optional The number/shape of samples to draw. If None, only one sample is returned. Default is None. """ if size is None: size = 1 single_val = True else: single_val = False out_shape = [len(self.bounds)] try: out_shape.extend(size) except TypeError: out_shape.append(size) out = scipy.zeros(out_shape) # sigma_f, lm, la, lb, xb: for j in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]: out[j, :] = numpy.random.uniform(low=self.bounds[j][0], high=self.bounds[j][1], size=size) # lc, le: # for j in [1, 3]: # out[j, :] = numpy.random.uniform(low=self.bounds[j][0], # high=out[2, :], # size=size) # xa: out[6, :] = numpy.random.uniform(low=self.bounds[6][0], high=out[7, :], size=size) if not single_val: return out else: return out.ravel()
[docs]class IndependentJointPrior(JointPrior): """Joint prior for which each hyperparameter is independent. Parameters ---------- univariate_priors : list of callables or rv_frozen, (`num_params`,) The univariate priors for each hyperparameter. Entries in this list can either be a callable that takes as an argument the entire list of hyperparameters or a frozen instance of a distribution from :py:mod:`scipy.stats`. """ def __init__(self, univariate_priors): super(IndependentJointPrior, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.univariate_priors = univariate_priors
[docs] def __call__(self, theta, hyper_deriv=None): """Evaluate the prior log-PDF at the given values of the hyperparameters, theta. Parameters ---------- theta : array-like, (`num_params`,) The hyperparameters to evaluate the log-PDF at. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Hyperparameter derivatives not supported for IndependentJointPrior!" ) ll = 0 for v, p in zip(theta, self.univariate_priors): try: ll += p(theta) except TypeError: ll += p.logpdf(v) return ll
@property def bounds(self): """The bounds of the random variable. Set `self.i=0.95` to return the 95% interval if this is used for setting bounds on optimizers/etc. where infinite bounds may not be useful. """ return [p.interval(self.i) for p in self.univariate_priors]
[docs] def sample_u(self, q): r"""Extract a sample from random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the inverse CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of PPF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed uniformly on :math:`[0, 1]`, this function will return corresponding samples for each variable. Parameters ---------- q : array of float Values between 0 and 1 to evaluate inverse CDF at. """ q = scipy.atleast_1d(q) if len(q) != len(self.univariate_priors): raise ValueError("length of q must equal the number of parameters!") if q.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("q must be one-dimensional!") if (q < 0).any() or (q > 1).any(): raise ValueError("q must be within [0, 1]!") return scipy.asarray([p.ppf(v) for v, p in zip(q, self.univariate_priors)])
[docs] def elementwise_cdf(self, p): r"""Convert a sample to random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of CDF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed according to the prior, this function will return variables uniform on :math:`[0, 1]` corresponding to each variable. This is the inverse operation to :py:meth:`sample_u`. Parameters ---------- p : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values to evaluate CDF at. """ p = scipy.atleast_1d(p) if len(p) != len(self.univariate_priors): raise ValueError("length of p must equal the number of parameters!") if p.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("p must be one-dimensional!") return scipy.asarray([pr.cdf(v) for v, pr in zip(p, self.univariate_priors)])
[docs] def random_draw(self, size=None): """Draw random samples of the hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- size : None, int or array-like, optional The number/shape of samples to draw. If None, only one sample is returned. Default is None. """ return scipy.asarray([p.rvs(size=size) for p in self.univariate_priors])
[docs]class NormalJointPrior(JointPrior): """Joint prior for which each hyperparameter has a normal prior with fixed hyper-hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- mu : list of float, same size as `sigma` Means of the hyperparameters. sigma : list of float Standard deviations of the hyperparameters. """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma, **kwargs): super(NormalJointPrior, self).__init__(**kwargs) sigma = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(sigma, dtype=float)) mu = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(mu, dtype=float)) if sigma.shape != mu.shape: raise ValueError("sigma and mu must have the same shape!") if sigma.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("sigma and mu must both be one dimensional!") self.sigma = sigma = mu
[docs] def __call__(self, theta, hyper_deriv=None): """Evaluate the prior log-PDF at the given values of the hyperparameters, theta. Parameters ---------- theta : array-like, (`num_params`,) The hyperparameters to evaluate the log-PDF at. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: return ([hyper_deriv] - theta[hyper_deriv]) / self.sigma[hyper_deriv]**2.0 ll = 0 for v, s, m in zip(theta, self.sigma, ll += scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(v, loc=m, scale=s) return ll
@property def bounds(self): """The bounds of the random variable. Set `self.i=0.95` to return the 95% interval if this is used for setting bounds on optimizers/etc. where infinite bounds may not be useful. """ return [scipy.stats.norm.interval(self.i, loc=m, scale=s) for s, m in zip(self.sigma,]
[docs] def sample_u(self, q): r"""Extract a sample from random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the inverse CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of PPF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed uniformly on :math:`[0, 1]`, this function will return corresponding samples for each variable. Parameters ---------- q : array of float Values between 0 and 1 to evaluate inverse CDF at. """ q = scipy.atleast_1d(q) if len(q) != len(self.sigma): raise ValueError("length of q must equal the number of parameters!") if q.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("q must be one-dimensional!") if (q < 0).any() or (q > 1).any(): raise ValueError("q must be within [0, 1]!") return scipy.asarray([scipy.stats.norm.ppf(v, loc=m, scale=s) for v, s, m in zip(q, self.sigma,])
[docs] def elementwise_cdf(self, p): r"""Convert a sample to random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of CDF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed according to the prior, this function will return variables uniform on :math:`[0, 1]` corresponding to each variable. This is the inverse operation to :py:meth:`sample_u`. Parameters ---------- p : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values to evaluate CDF at. """ p = scipy.atleast_1d(p) if len(p) != len(self.sigma): raise ValueError("length of p must equal the number of parameters!") if p.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("p must be one-dimensional!") return scipy.asarray([scipy.stats.norm.cdf(v, loc=m, scale=s) for v, s, m in zip(p, self.sigma,])
[docs] def random_draw(self, size=None): """Draw random samples of the hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- size : None, int or array-like, optional The number/shape of samples to draw. If None, only one sample is returned. Default is None. """ return scipy.asarray([scipy.stats.norm.rvs(loc=m, scale=s, size=size) for s, m in zip(self.sigma,])
[docs]class LogNormalJointPrior(JointPrior): """Joint prior for which each hyperparameter has a log-normal prior with fixed hyper-hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- mu : list of float, same size as `sigma` Means of the logarithms of the hyperparameters. sigma : list of float Standard deviations of the logarithms of the hyperparameters. """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma, **kwargs): super(LogNormalJointPrior, self).__init__(**kwargs) sigma = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(sigma, dtype=float)) mu = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(mu, dtype=float)) if sigma.shape != mu.shape: raise ValueError("sigma and mu must have the same shape!") if sigma.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("sigma and mu must both be one dimensional!") self.sigma = sigma self.emu = scipy.exp(mu)
[docs] def __call__(self, theta, hyper_deriv=None): """Evaluate the prior log-PDF at the given values of the hyperparameters, theta. Parameters ---------- theta : array-like, (`num_params`,) The hyperparameters to evaluate the log-PDF at. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: return -1.0 / theta[hyper_deriv] * ( 1.0 + scipy.log(theta[hyper_deriv] / self.emu[hyper_deriv]) / self.sigma[hyper_deriv]**2.0 ) ll = 0 for v, s, em in zip(theta, self.sigma, self.emu): ll += scipy.stats.lognorm.logpdf(v, s, loc=0, scale=em) return ll
@property def bounds(self): """The bounds of the random variable. Set `self.i=0.95` to return the 95% interval if this is used for setting bounds on optimizers/etc. where infinite bounds may not be useful. """ return [scipy.stats.lognorm.interval(self.i, s, loc=0, scale=em) for s, em in zip(self.sigma, self.emu)]
[docs] def sample_u(self, q): r"""Extract a sample from random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the inverse CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of PPF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed uniformly on :math:`[0, 1]`, this function will return corresponding samples for each variable. Parameters ---------- q : array of float Values between 0 and 1 to evaluate inverse CDF at. """ q = scipy.atleast_1d(q) if len(q) != len(self.sigma): raise ValueError("length of q must equal the number of parameters!") if q.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("q must be one-dimensional!") if (q < 0).any() or (q > 1).any(): raise ValueError("q must be within [0, 1]!") return scipy.asarray([scipy.stats.lognorm.ppf(v, s, loc=0, scale=em) for v, s, em in zip(q, self.sigma, self.emu)])
[docs] def elementwise_cdf(self, p): r"""Convert a sample to random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of CDF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed according to the prior, this function will return variables uniform on :math:`[0, 1]` corresponding to each variable. This is the inverse operation to :py:meth:`sample_u`. Parameters ---------- p : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values to evaluate CDF at. """ p = scipy.atleast_1d(p) if len(p) != len(self.sigma): raise ValueError("length of p must equal the number of parameters!") if p.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("p must be one-dimensional!") return scipy.asarray([scipy.stats.lognorm.cdf(v, s, loc=0, scale=em) for v, s, em in zip(p, self.sigma, self.emu)])
[docs] def random_draw(self, size=None): """Draw random samples of the hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- size : None, int or array-like, optional The number/shape of samples to draw. If None, only one sample is returned. Default is None. """ return scipy.asarray([scipy.stats.lognorm.rvs(s, loc=0, scale=em, size=size) for s, em in zip(self.sigma, self.emu)])
[docs]class GammaJointPrior(JointPrior): """Joint prior for which each hyperparameter has a gamma prior with fixed hyper-hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- a : list of float, same size as `b` Shape parameters. b : list of float Rate parameters. """ def __init__(self, a, b, **kwargs): super(GammaJointPrior, self).__init__(**kwargs) a = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(a, dtype=float)) b = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(b, dtype=float)) if a.shape != b.shape: raise ValueError("a and b must have the same shape!") if a.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("a and b must both be one dimensional!") self.a = a self.b = b
[docs] def __call__(self, theta, hyper_deriv=None): """Evaluate the prior log-PDF at the given values of the hyperparameters, theta. Parameters ---------- theta : array-like, (`num_params`,) The hyperparameters to evaluate the log-PDF at. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: if self.a[hyper_deriv] == 1.0 and theta[hyper_deriv] == 0.0: return -self.b[hyper_deriv] else: return (self.a[hyper_deriv] - 1.0) / theta[hyper_deriv] - self.b[hyper_deriv] ll = 0 for v, a, b in zip(theta, self.a, self.b): ll += scipy.stats.gamma.logpdf(v, a, loc=0, scale=1.0 / b) return ll
@property def bounds(self): """The bounds of the random variable. Set `self.i=0.95` to return the 95% interval if this is used for setting bounds on optimizers/etc. where infinite bounds may not be useful. """ return [scipy.stats.gamma.interval(self.i, a, loc=0, scale=1.0 / b) for a, b in zip(self.a, self.b)]
[docs] def sample_u(self, q): r"""Extract a sample from random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the inverse CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of PPF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed uniformly on :math:`[0, 1]`, this function will return corresponding samples for each variable. Parameters ---------- q : array of float Values between 0 and 1 to evaluate inverse CDF at. """ q = scipy.atleast_1d(q) if len(q) != len(self.a): raise ValueError("length of q must equal the number of parameters!") if q.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("q must be one-dimensional!") if (q < 0).any() or (q > 1).any(): raise ValueError("q must be within [0, 1]!") return scipy.asarray([scipy.stats.gamma.ppf(v, a, loc=0, scale=1.0 / b) for v, a, b in zip(q, self.a, self.b)])
[docs] def elementwise_cdf(self, p): r"""Convert a sample to random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of CDF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed according to the prior, this function will return variables uniform on :math:`[0, 1]` corresponding to each variable. This is the inverse operation to :py:meth:`sample_u`. Parameters ---------- p : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values to evaluate CDF at. """ p = scipy.atleast_1d(p) if len(p) != len(self.a): raise ValueError("length of p must equal the number of parameters!") if p.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("p must be one-dimensional!") return scipy.asarray([scipy.stats.gamma.cdf(v, a, loc=0, scale=1.0 / b) for v, a, b in zip(p, self.a, self.b)])
[docs] def random_draw(self, size=None): """Draw random samples of the hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- size : None, int or array-like, optional The number/shape of samples to draw. If None, only one sample is returned. Default is None. """ return scipy.asarray([scipy.stats.gamma.rvs(a, loc=0, scale=1.0 / b, size=size) for a, b in zip(self.a, self.b)])
[docs]class GammaJointPriorAlt(GammaJointPrior): """Joint prior for which each hyperparameter has a gamma prior with fixed hyper-hyperparameters. This is an alternate form that lets you specify the mode and standard deviation instead of the shape and rate parameters. Parameters ---------- m : list of float, same size as `s` Modes s : list of float Standard deviations """ def __init__(self, m, s, i=1.0): self.i = i m = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(m, dtype=float)) s = scipy.atleast_1d(scipy.asarray(s, dtype=float)) if m.shape != s.shape: raise ValueError("s and mu must have the same shape!") if m.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("s and mu must both be one dimensional!") self.m = m self.s = s @property def a(self): return 1.0 + self.b * self.m @property def b(self): return (self.m + scipy.sqrt(self.m**2 + 4.0 * self.s**2)) / (2.0 * self.s**2)
[docs]class SortedUniformJointPrior(JointPrior): """Joint prior for a set of variables which must be strictly increasing but are otherwise uniformly-distributed. Parameters ---------- num_var : int The number of variables represented. lb : float The lower bound for all of the variables. ub : float The upper bound for all of the variables. """ def __init__(self, num_var, lb, ub, **kwargs): super(SortedUniformJointPrior, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.num_var = num_var = lb self.ub = ub
[docs] def __call__(self, theta, hyper_deriv=None): """Evaluate the log-probability of the variables. Parameters ---------- theta : array The parameters to find the log-probability of. """ if hyper_deriv is not None: return 0.0 theta = scipy.asarray(theta) if (scipy.sort(theta) != theta).all() or (theta < or (theta > self.ub).any(): return -scipy.inf else: return ( scipy.log(scipy.misc.factorial(self.num_var)) - self.num_var * scipy.log(self.ub - )
@property def bounds(self): return [(, self.ub)] * self.num_var
[docs] def sample_u(self, q): r"""Extract a sample from random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the inverse CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of PPF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed uniformly on :math:`[0, 1]`, this function will return corresponding samples for each variable. Parameters ---------- q : array of float Values between 0 and 1 to evaluate inverse CDF at. """ q = scipy.atleast_1d(q) if len(q) != self.num_var: raise ValueError("length of q must equal the number of parameters!") if q.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("q must be one-dimensional!") if (q < 0).any() or (q > 1).any(): raise ValueError("q must be within [0, 1]!") # Old way, not quite correct: # q = scipy.sort(q) # return scipy.asarray([(self.ub - * v + for v in q]) # New way, based on conditional marginals: out = scipy.zeros_like(q, dtype=float) out[0] = for d in xrange(0, len(out)): out[d] = ( (1.0 - (1.0 - q[d])**(1.0 / (self.num_var - d))) * (self.ub - out[max(d - 1, 0)]) + out[max(d - 1, 0)] ) return out
[docs] def elementwise_cdf(self, p): r"""Convert a sample to random variates uniform on :math:`[0, 1]`. For a univariate distribution, this is simply evaluating the CDF. To facilitate efficient sampling, this function returns a *vector* of CDF values, one value for each variable. Basically, the idea is that, given a vector :math:`q` of `num_params` values each of which is distributed according to the prior, this function will return variables uniform on :math:`[0, 1]` corresponding to each variable. This is the inverse operation to :py:meth:`sample_u`. Parameters ---------- p : array-like, (`num_params`,) Values to evaluate CDF at. """ p = scipy.atleast_1d(p) if len(p) != len(self.bounds): raise ValueError("length of p must equal the number of parameters!") if p.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("p must be one-dimensional!") c = scipy.zeros(len(self.bounds)) # Old way, based on sorted uniform variables: # for k in xrange(0, len(self.bounds)): # if p[k] <= self.bounds[k][0]: # c[k] = 0.0 # elif p[k] >= self.bounds[k][1]: # c[k] = 1.0 # else: # c[k] = (p[k] - self.bounds[k][0]) / (self.bounds[k][1] - self.bounds[k][0]) # New way, based on conditional marginals: for d in xrange(0, len(c)): pdm1 = p[d - 1] if d > 0 else if p[d] <= pdm1: c[d] = 0.0 elif p[d] >= self.ub: c[d] = 1.0 else: c[d] = 1.0 - (1.0 - (p[d] - pdm1) / (self.ub - pdm1))**(self.num_var - d) return c
[docs] def random_draw(self, size=None): """Draw random samples of the hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- size : None, int or array-like, optional The number/shape of samples to draw. If None, only one sample is returned. Default is None. """ if size is None: size = 1 single_val = True else: single_val = False out_shape = [self.num_var] try: out_shape.extend(size) except TypeError: out_shape.append(size) out = scipy.sort( numpy.random.uniform(, high=self.ub, size=out_shape ), axis=0 ) if not single_val: return out else: return out.ravel()
[docs]def wrap_fmin_slsqp(fun, guess, opt_kwargs={}): """Wrapper for :py:func:`fmin_slsqp` to allow it to be called with :py:func:`minimize`-like syntax. This is included to enable the code to run with :py:mod:`scipy` versions older than 0.11.0. Accepts `opt_kwargs` in the same format as used by :py:func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`, with the additional precondition that the keyword `method` has already been removed by the calling code. Parameters ---------- fun : callable The function to minimize. guess : sequence The initial guess for the parameters. opt_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of extra keywords to pass to :py:func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. Refer to that function's docstring for valid options. The keywords 'jac', 'hess' and 'hessp' are ignored. Note that if you were planning to use `jac` = True (i.e., optimization function returns Jacobian) and have set `args` = (True,) to tell :py:meth:`update_hyperparameters` to compute and return the Jacobian this may cause unexpected behavior. Default is: {}. Returns ------- Result : namedtuple :py:class:`namedtuple` that mimics the fields of the :py:class:`Result` object returned by :py:func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. Has the following fields: ======= ======= =================================================================================== status int Code indicating the exit mode of the optimizer (`imode` from :py:func:`fmin_slsqp`) success bool Boolean indicating whether or not the optimizer thinks a minimum was found. fun float Value of the optimized function (-1*LL). x ndarray Optimal values of the hyperparameters. message str String describing the exit state (`smode` from :py:func:`fmin_slsqp`) nit int Number of iterations. ======= ======= =================================================================================== Raises ------ ValueError Invalid constraint type in `constraints`. (See documentation for :py:func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`.) """ opt_kwargs = dict(opt_kwargs) opt_kwargs.pop('method', None) eqcons = [] ieqcons = [] if 'constraints' in opt_kwargs: if isinstance(opt_kwargs['constraints'], dict): opt_kwargs['constraints'] = [opt_kwargs['constraints'],] for con in opt_kwargs.pop('constraints'): if con['type'] == 'eq': eqcons += [con['fun'],] elif con['type'] == 'ineq': ieqcons += [con['fun'],] else: raise ValueError("Invalid constraint type %s!" % (con['type'],)) if 'jac' in opt_kwargs: warnings.warn("Jacobian not supported for default solver SLSQP!", RuntimeWarning) opt_kwargs.pop('jac') if 'tol' in opt_kwargs: opt_kwargs['acc'] = opt_kwargs.pop('tol') if 'options' in opt_kwargs: opts = opt_kwargs.pop('options') opt_kwargs = dict(opt_kwargs.items() + opts.items()) # Other keywords with less likelihood for causing failures are silently ignored: opt_kwargs.pop('hess', None) opt_kwargs.pop('hessp', None) opt_kwargs.pop('callback', None) out, fx, its, imode, smode = scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp( fun, guess, full_output=True, eqcons=eqcons, ieqcons=ieqcons, **opt_kwargs ) Result = collections.namedtuple('Result', ['status', 'success', 'fun', 'x', 'message', 'nit']) return Result(status=imode, success=(imode == 0), fun=fx, x=out, message=smode, nit=its)
[docs]def fixed_poch(a, n): """Implementation of the Pochhammer symbol :math:`(a)_n` which handles negative integer arguments properly. Need conditional statement because scipy's impelementation of the Pochhammer symbol is wrong for negative integer arguments. This function uses the definition from Parameters ---------- a : float The argument. n : nonnegative int The order. """ # Old form, calls gamma function: # if a < 0.0 and a % 1 == 0 and n <= -a: # p = (-1.0)**n * scipy.misc.factorial(-a) / scipy.misc.factorial(-a - n) # else: # p = scipy.special.poch(a, n) # return p if (int(n) != n) or (n < 0): raise ValueError("Parameter n must be a nonnegative int!") n = int(n) # Direct form based on product: terms = [a + k for k in range(0, n)] return
[docs]def Kn2Der(nu, y, n=0): r"""Find the derivatives of :math:`K_\nu(y^{1/2})`. Parameters ---------- nu : float The order of the modified Bessel function of the second kind. y : array of float The values to evaluate at. n : nonnegative int, optional The order of derivative to take. """ n = int(n) y = scipy.asarray(y, dtype=float) sqrty = scipy.sqrt(y) if n == 0: K = scipy.special.kv(nu, sqrty) else: K = scipy.zeros_like(y) x = scipy.asarray( [ fixed_poch(1.5 - j, j) * y**(0.5 - j) for j in scipy.arange(1.0, n + 1.0, dtype=float) ] ).T for k in scipy.arange(1.0, n + 1.0, dtype=float): K += ( scipy.special.kvp(nu, sqrty, n=int(k)) * incomplete_bell_poly(n, int(k), x) ) return K
[docs]def yn2Kn2Der(nu, y, n=0, tol=5e-4, nterms=1, nu_step=0.001): r"""Computes the function :math:`y^{\nu/2} K_{\nu}(y^{1/2})` and its derivatives. Care has been taken to handle the conditions at :math:`y=0`. For `n=0`, uses a direct evaluation of the expression, replacing points where `y=0` with the appropriate value. For `n>0`, uses a general sum expression to evaluate the expression, and handles the value at `y=0` using a power series expansion. Where it becomes infinite, the infinities will have the appropriate sign for a limit approaching zero from the right. Uses a power series expansion around :math:`y=0` to avoid numerical issues. Handles integer `nu` by performing a linear interpolation between values of `nu` slightly above and below the requested value. Parameters ---------- nu : float The order of the modified Bessel function and the exponent of `y`. y : array of float The points to evaluate the function at. These are assumed to be nonegative. n : nonnegative int, optional The order of derivative to take. Set to zero (the default) to get the value. tol : float, optional The distance from zero for which the power series is used. Default is 5e-4. nterms : int, optional The number of terms to include in the power series. Default is 1. nu_step : float, optional The amount to vary `nu` by when handling integer values of `nu`. Default is 0.001. """ n = int(n) y = scipy.asarray(y, dtype=float) if n == 0: K = y**(nu / 2.0) * scipy.special.kv(nu, scipy.sqrt(y)) K[y == 0.0] = scipy.special.gamma(nu) / 2.0**(1.0 - nu) else: K = scipy.zeros_like(y) for k in scipy.arange(0.0, n + 1.0, dtype=float): K += ( scipy.special.binom(n, k) * fixed_poch(1.0 + nu / 2.0 - k, k) * y**(nu / 2.0 - k) * Kn2Der(nu, y, n=n-k) ) # Do the extra work to handle y == 0 only if we need to: mask = (y == 0.0) if (mask).any(): if int(nu) == nu: K[mask] = 0.5 * ( yn2Kn2Der(nu - nu_step, y[mask], n=n, tol=tol, nterms=nterms, nu_step=nu_step) + yn2Kn2Der(nu + nu_step, y[mask], n=n, tol=tol, nterms=nterms, nu_step=nu_step) ) else: if n > nu: K[mask] = scipy.special.gamma(-nu) * fixed_poch(1 + nu - n, n) * scipy.inf else: K[mask] = scipy.special.gamma(nu) * scipy.special.gamma(n + 1.0) / ( 2.0**(1.0 - nu + 2.0 * n) * fixed_poch(1.0 - nu, n) * scipy.special.factorial(n) ) if tol > 0.0: # Replace points within tol (absolute distance) of zero with the power # series approximation: mask = (y <= tol) & (y > 0.0) K[mask] = 0.0 if int(nu) == nu: K[mask] = 0.5 * ( yn2Kn2Der(nu - nu_step, y[mask], n=n, tol=tol, nterms=nterms, nu_step=nu_step) + yn2Kn2Der(nu + nu_step, y[mask], n=n, tol=tol, nterms=nterms, nu_step=nu_step) ) else: for k in scipy.arange(n, n + nterms, dtype=float): K[mask] += ( scipy.special.gamma(nu) * fixed_poch(1.0 + k - n, n) * y[mask]**(k - n) / ( 2.0**(1.0 - nu + 2 * k) * fixed_poch(1.0 - nu, k) * scipy.special.factorial(k)) ) for k in scipy.arange(0, nterms, dtype=float): K[mask] += ( scipy.special.gamma(-nu) * fixed_poch(1.0 + nu + k - n, n) * y[mask]**(nu + k - n) / ( 2.0**(1.0 + nu + 2.0 * k) * fixed_poch(1.0 + nu, k) * scipy.special.factorial(k) ) ) return K
[docs]def incomplete_bell_poly(n, k, x): r"""Recursive evaluation of the incomplete Bell polynomial :math:`B_{n, k}(x)`. Evaluates the incomplete Bell polynomial :math:`B_{n, k}(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_{n-k+1})`, also known as the partial Bell polynomial or the Bell polynomial of the second kind. This polynomial is useful in the evaluation of (the univariate) Faa di Bruno's formula which generalizes the chain rule to higher order derivatives. The implementation here is based on the implementation in: :py:func:`sympy.functions.combinatorial.numbers.bell._bell_incomplete_poly` Following that function's documentation, the polynomial is computed according to the recurrence formula: .. math:: B_{n, k}(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_{n-k+1}) = \sum_{m=1}^{n-k+1}x_m\binom{n-1}{m-1}B_{n-m, k-1}(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_{n-m-k}) | The end cases are: | :math:`B_{0, 0} = 1` | :math:`B_{n, 0} = 0` for :math:`n \ge 1` | :math:`B_{0, k} = 0` for :math:`k \ge 1` Parameters ---------- n : scalar int The first subscript of the polynomial. k : scalar int The second subscript of the polynomial. x : :py:class:`Array` of floats, (`p`, `n` - `k` + 1) `p` sets of `n` - `k` + 1 points to use as the arguments to :math:`B_{n,k}`. The second dimension can be longer than required, in which case the extra entries are silently ignored (this facilitates recursion without needing to subset the array `x`). Returns ------- result : :py:class:`Array`, (`p`,) Incomplete Bell polynomial evaluated at the desired values. """ if n == 0 and k == 0: return scipy.ones(x.shape[0], dtype=float) elif k == 0 and n >= 1: return scipy.zeros(x.shape[0], dtype=float) elif n == 0 and k >= 1: return scipy.zeros(x.shape[0], dtype=float) else: result = scipy.zeros(x.shape[0], dtype=float) for m in xrange(0, n - k + 1): result += x[:, m] * scipy.special.binom(n - 1, m) * incomplete_bell_poly(n - (m + 1), k - 1, x) return result
[docs]def generate_set_partition_strings(n): """Generate the restricted growth strings for all of the partitions of an `n`-member set. Uses Algorithm H from page 416 of volume 4A of Knuth's `The Art of Computer Programming`. Returns the partitions in lexicographical order. Parameters ---------- n : scalar int, non-negative Number of (unique) elements in the set to be partitioned. Returns ------- partitions : list of :py:class:`Array` List has a number of elements equal to the `n`-th Bell number (i.e., the number of partitions for a set of size `n`). Each element has length `n`, the elements of which are the restricted growth strings describing the partitions of the set. The strings are returned in lexicographic order. """ # Handle edge cases: if n == 0: return [] elif n == 1: return [scipy.array([0])] partitions = [] # Step 1: Initialize a = scipy.zeros(n, dtype=int) b = scipy.ones(n, dtype=int) while True: # Step 2: Visit partitions.append(a.copy()) if a[-1] == b[-1]: # Step 4: Find j. j is the index of the first element from the end # for which a != b, with the exception of the last element. j = (a[:-1] != b[:-1]).nonzero()[0][-1] # Step 5: Increase a_j (or terminate): if j == 0: break else: a[j] += 1 # Step 6: Zero out a_{j+1} to a_n: b[-1] = b[j] + (a[j] == b[j]) a[j + 1:] = 0 b[j + 1 :-1] = b[-1] else: # Step 3: Increase a_n: a[-1] += 1 return partitions
[docs]def generate_set_partitions(set_): """Generate all of the partitions of a set. This is a helper function that utilizes the restricted growth strings from :py:func:`generate_set_partition_strings`. The partitions are returned in lexicographic order. Parameters ---------- set_ : :py:class:`Array` or other Array-like, (`m`,) The set to find the partitions of. Returns ------- partitions : list of lists of :py:class:`Array` The number of elements in the outer list is equal to the number of partitions, which is the len(`m`)^th Bell number. Each of the inner lists corresponds to a single possible partition. The length of an inner list is therefore equal to the number of blocks. Each of the arrays in an inner list is hence a block. """ set_ = scipy.asarray(set_) strings = generate_set_partition_strings(len(set_)) partitions = [] for string in strings: blocks = [] for block_num in scipy.unique(string): blocks.append(set_[string == block_num]) partitions.append(blocks) return partitions
[docs]def powerset(iterable): """powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3) From itertools documentation, """ s = list(iterable) return itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s) + 1))
[docs]def unique_rows(arr, return_index=False, return_inverse=False): """Returns a copy of arr with duplicate rows removed. From Stackoverflow "Find unique rows in numpy.array." Parameters ---------- arr : :py:class:`Array`, (`m`, `n`) The array to find the unique rows of. return_index : bool, optional If True, the indices of the unique rows in the array will also be returned. I.e., unique = arr[idx]. Default is False (don't return indices). return_inverse: bool, optional If True, the indices in the unique array to reconstruct the original array will also be returned. I.e., arr = unique[inv]. Default is False (don't return inverse). Returns ------- unique : :py:class:`Array`, (`p`, `n`) where `p` <= `m` The array `arr` with duplicate rows removed. """ b = scipy.ascontiguousarray(arr).view( scipy.dtype((scipy.void, arr.dtype.itemsize * arr.shape[1])) ) try: out = scipy.unique(b, return_index=True, return_inverse=return_inverse) dum = out[0] idx = out[1] if return_inverse: inv = out[2] except TypeError: if return_inverse: raise RuntimeError( "Error in scipy.unique on older versions of numpy prevents " "return_inverse from working!" ) # Handle bug in numpy 1.6.2: rows = [_Row(row) for row in b] srt_idx = sorted(range(len(rows)), key=rows.__getitem__) rows = scipy.asarray(rows)[srt_idx] row_cmp = [-1] for k in xrange(1, len(srt_idx)): row_cmp.append(rows[k-1].__cmp__(rows[k])) row_cmp = scipy.asarray(row_cmp) transition_idxs = scipy.where(row_cmp != 0)[0] idx = scipy.asarray(srt_idx)[transition_idxs] out = arr[idx] if return_index: out = (out, idx) elif return_inverse: out = (out, inv) elif return_index and return_inverse: out = (out, idx, inv) return out
class _Row(object): """Helper class to compare rows of a matrix. This is used to workaround the bug with scipy.unique in numpy 1.6.2. Parameters ---------- row : ndarray The row this object is to represent. Must be 1d. (Will be flattened.) """ def __init__(self, row): self.row = scipy.asarray(row).flatten() def __cmp__(self, other): """Compare two rows. Parameters ---------- other : :py:class:`_Row` The row to compare to. Returns ------- cmp : int == ================================================================== 0 if the two rows have all elements equal 1 if the first non-equal element (from the right) in self is greater -1 if the first non-equal element (from the right) in self is lesser == ================================================================== """ if (self.row == other.row).all(): return 0 else: # Get first non-equal element: first_nonequal_idx = scipy.where(self.row != other.row)[0][0] if self.row[first_nonequal_idx] > other.row[first_nonequal_idx]: return 1 else: # Other must be greater than self in this case: return -1 # Conversion factor to get from interquartile range to standard deviation: IQR_TO_STD = 2.0 * scipy.stats.norm.isf(0.25)
[docs]def compute_stats(vals, check_nan=False, robust=False, axis=1, plot_QQ=False, bins=15, name=''): """Compute the average statistics (mean, std dev) for the given values. Parameters ---------- vals : array-like, (`M`, `D`) Values to compute the average statistics along the specified axis of. check_nan : bool, optional Whether or not to check for (and exclude) NaN's. Default is False (do not attempt to handle NaN's). robust : bool, optional Whether or not to use robust estimators (median for mean, IQR for standard deviation). Default is False (use non-robust estimators). axis : int, optional Axis to compute the statistics along. Presently only supported if `robust` is False. Default is 1. plot_QQ : bool, optional Whether or not a QQ plot and histogram should be drawn for each channel. Default is False (do not draw QQ plots). bins : int, optional Number of bins to use when plotting histogram (for plot_QQ=True). Default is 15 name : str, optional Name to put in the title of the QQ/histogram plot. Returns ------- mean : ndarray, (`M`,) Estimator for the mean of `vals`. std : ndarray, (`M`,) Estimator for the standard deviation of `vals`. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If `axis` != 1 when `robust` is True. NotImplementedError If `plot_QQ` is True. """ if axis != 1 and robust: raise NotImplementedError("Values of axis other than 1 are not supported " "with the robust keyword at this time!") if robust: # TODO: This stuff should really be vectorized if there is something that allows it! if check_nan: mean = scipy.stats.nanmedian(vals, axis=axis) # TODO: HANDLE AXIS PROPERLY! std = scipy.zeros(vals.shape[0], dtype=float) for k in xrange(0, len(vals)): ch = vals[k] ok_idxs = ~scipy.isnan(ch) if ok_idxs.any(): std[k] = (scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(ch[ok_idxs], 75) - scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(ch[ok_idxs], 25)) else: # Leave a nan where there are no non-nan values: std[k] = scipy.nan std /= IQR_TO_STD else: mean = scipy.median(vals, axis=axis) # TODO: HANDLE AXIS PROPERLY! std = scipy.asarray([scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(ch, 75.0) - scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(ch, 25.0) for ch in vals]) / IQR_TO_STD else: if check_nan: mean = scipy.stats.nanmean(vals, axis=axis) std = scipy.stats.nanstd(vals, axis=axis) else: mean = scipy.mean(vals, axis=axis) std = scipy.std(vals, axis=axis) if plot_QQ: f = plt.figure() gs = mplgs.GridSpec(2, 2, height_ratios=[8, 1]) a_QQ = f.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) a_hist = f.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) a_slider = f.add_subplot(gs[1, :]) title = f.suptitle("") def update(val): """Update the index from the results to be displayed. """ a_QQ.clear() a_hist.clear() idx = slider.val title.set_text("%s, n=%d" % (name, idx)) nan_idxs = scipy.isnan(vals[idx, :]) if not nan_idxs.all(): osm, osr = scipy.stats.probplot(vals[idx, ~nan_idxs], dist='norm', plot=None, fit=False) a_QQ.plot(osm, osr, 'bo', markersize=10) a_QQ.set_title('QQ plot') a_QQ.set_xlabel('quantiles of $\mathcal{N}(0,1)$') a_QQ.set_ylabel('quantiles of data') a_hist.hist(vals[idx, ~nan_idxs], bins=bins, normed=True) locs = scipy.linspace(vals[idx, ~nan_idxs].min(), vals[idx, ~nan_idxs].max()) a_hist.plot(locs, scipy.stats.norm.pdf(locs, loc=mean[idx], scale=std[idx])) a_hist.set_title('Normalized histogram and reported PDF') a_hist.set_xlabel('value') a_hist.set_ylabel('density') f.canvas.draw() def arrow_respond(slider, event): """Event handler for arrow key events in plot windows. Pass the slider object to update as a masked argument using a lambda function:: lambda evt: arrow_respond(my_slider, evt) Parameters ---------- slider : Slider instance associated with this handler. event : Event to be handled. """ if event.key == 'right': slider.set_val(min(slider.val + 1, slider.valmax)) elif event.key == 'left': slider.set_val(max(slider.val - 1, slider.valmin)) slider = mplw.Slider(a_slider, 'index', 0, len(vals) - 1, valinit=0, valfmt='%d') slider.on_changed(update) update(0) f.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', lambda evt: arrow_respond(slider, evt)) return (mean, std)
[docs]def univariate_envelope_plot(x, mean, std, ax=None, base_alpha=0.375, envelopes=[1, 3], lb=None, ub=None, expansion=10, **kwargs): """Make a plot of a mean curve with uncertainty envelopes. """ if ax is None: f = plt.figure() ax = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) elif ax == 'gca': ax = plt.gca() mean = scipy.asarray(mean, dtype=float).copy() std = scipy.asarray(std, dtype=float).copy() # Truncate the data so matplotlib doesn't die: if lb is not None and ub is not None and expansion != 1.0: expansion *= ub - lb ub = ub + expansion lb = lb - expansion if ub is not None: mean[mean > ub] = ub if lb is not None: mean[mean < lb] = lb l = ax.plot(x, mean, **kwargs) color = plt.getp(l[0], 'color') e = [] for i in envelopes: lower = mean - i * std upper = mean + i * std if ub is not None: lower[lower > ub] = ub upper[upper > ub] = ub if lb is not None: lower[lower < lb] = lb upper[upper < lb] = lb e.append(ax.fill_between(x, lower, upper, facecolor=color, alpha=base_alpha / i)) return (l, e)
[docs]def summarize_sampler(sampler, weights=None, burn=0, ci=0.95, chain_mask=None): r"""Create summary statistics of the flattened chain of the sampler. The confidence regions are computed from the quantiles of the data. Parameters ---------- sampler : :py:class:`emcee.Sampler` instance or array, (`n_temps`, `n_chains`, `n_samp`, `n_dim`), (`n_chains`, `n_samp`, `n_dim`) or (`n_samp`, `n_dim`) The sampler to summarize the chains of. weights : array, (`n_temps`, `n_chains`, `n_samp`), (`n_chains`, `n_samp`) or (`n_samp`,), optional The weight for each sample. This is useful for post-processing the output from MultiNest sampling, for instance. burn : int, optional The number of samples to burn from the beginning of the chain. Default is 0 (no burn). ci : float, optional A number between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence region to compute. Default is 0.95 (return upper and lower bounds of the 95% confidence interval). chain_mask : (index) array, optional Mask identifying the chains to keep before plotting, in case there are bad chains. Default is to use all chains. Returns ------- mean : array, (num_params,) Mean values of each of the parameters sampled. ci_l : array, (num_params,) Lower bounds of the `ci*100%` confidence intervals. ci_u : array, (num_params,) Upper bounds of the `ci*100%` confidence intervals. """ try: k = sampler.flatchain.shape[-1] except AttributeError: # Assumes array input is only case where there is no "flatchain" attribute. k = sampler.shape[-1] if isinstance(sampler, emcee.EnsembleSampler): if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.chain.shape[0], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler.chain[chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) elif isinstance(sampler, emcee.PTSampler): if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.nwalkers, dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler.chain[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) elif isinstance(sampler, scipy.ndarray): if sampler.ndim == 4: if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.shape[1], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:] weights = weights.ravel() elif sampler.ndim == 3: if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.shape[0], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler[chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[chain_mask, burn:] weights = weights.ravel() elif sampler.ndim == 2: flat_trace = sampler[burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[burn:] weights = weights.ravel() else: raise ValueError("Unknown sampler class: %s" % (type(sampler),)) cibdry = 100.0 * (1.0 - ci) / 2.0 if weights is None: mean = scipy.mean(flat_trace, axis=0) ci_l, ci_u = scipy.percentile(flat_trace, [cibdry, 100.0 - cibdry], axis=0) else: mean = / weights.sum() ci_l = scipy.zeros(k) ci_u = scipy.zeros(k) p = scipy.asarray([cibdry, 100.0 - cibdry]) for i in range(0, k): srt = flat_trace[:, i].argsort() x = flat_trace[srt, i] w = weights[srt] Sn = w.cumsum() pn = 100.0 / Sn[-1] * (Sn - w / 2.0) j = scipy.digitize(p, pn) - 1 ci_l[i], ci_u[i] = x[j] + (p - pn[j]) / (pn[j + 1] - pn[j]) * (x[j + 1] - x[j]) return (mean, ci_l, ci_u)
[docs]def plot_sampler( sampler, suptitle=None, labels=None, bins=50, plot_samples=False, plot_hist=True, plot_chains=True, burn=0, chain_mask=None, temp_idx=0, weights=None, cutoff_weight=None, cmap='gray_r', hist_color='k', chain_alpha=0.1, points=None, covs=None, colors=None, ci=[0.95], max_hist_ticks=None, max_chain_ticks=6, label_chain_y=False, hide_chain_yticklabels=False, chain_ytick_pad=2.0, label_fontsize=None, ticklabel_fontsize=None, chain_label_fontsize=None, chain_ticklabel_fontsize=None, xticklabel_angle=90.0, bottom_sep=0.075, suptitle_space=0.1, fixed_height=None, fixed_width=None, l=0.1, r=0.9, t1=None, b1=None, t2=0.2, b2=0.1, ax_space=0.1 ): """Plot the results of MCMC sampler (posterior and chains). Loosely based on Provides extensive options to format the plot. Parameters ---------- sampler : :py:class:`emcee.Sampler` instance or array, (`n_temps`, `n_chains`, `n_samp`, `n_dim`), (`n_chains`, `n_samp`, `n_dim`) or (`n_samp`, `n_dim`) The sampler to plot the chains/marginals of. Can also be an array of samples which matches the shape of the `chain` attribute that would be present in a :py:class:`emcee.Sampler` instance. suptitle : str, optional The figure title to place at the top. Default is no title. labels : list of str, optional The labels to use for each of the free parameters. Default is to leave the axes unlabeled. bins : int, optional Number of bins to use for the histograms. Default is 50. plot_samples : bool, optional If True, the samples are plotted as individual points. Default is False. plot_hist : bool, optional If True, histograms are plotted. Default is True. plot_chains : bool, optional If True, plot the sampler chains at the bottom. Default is True. burn : int, optional The number of samples to burn before making the marginal histograms. Default is zero (use all samples). chain_mask : (index) array, optional Mask identifying the chains to keep before plotting, in case there are bad chains. Default is to use all chains. temp_idx : int, optional Index of the temperature to plot when plotting a :py:class:`emcee.PTSampler`. Default is 0 (samples from the posterior). weights : array, (`n_temps`, `n_chains`, `n_samp`), (`n_chains`, `n_samp`) or (`n_samp`,), optional The weight for each sample. This is useful for post-processing the output from MultiNest sampling, for instance. Default is to not weight the samples. cutoff_weight : float, optional If `weights` and `cutoff_weight` are present, points with `weights < cutoff_weight * weights.max()` will be excluded. Default is to plot all points. cmap : str, optional The colormap to use for the histograms. Default is 'gray_r'. hist_color : str, optional The color to use for the univariate histograms. Default is 'k'. chain_alpha : float, optional The transparency to use for the plots of the individual chains. Setting this to something low lets you better visualize what is going on. Default is 0.1. points : array, (`D`,) or (`N`, `D`), optional Array of point(s) to plot onto each marginal and chain. Default is None. covs : array, (`D`, `D`) or (`N`, `D`, `D`), optional Covariance matrix or array of covariance matrices to plot onto each marginal. If you do not want to plot a covariance matrix for a specific point, set its corresponding entry to `None`. Default is to not plot confidence ellipses for any points. colors : array of str, (`N`,), optional The colors to use for the points in `points`. Default is to use the standard matplotlib RGBCMYK cycle. ci : array, (`num_ci`,), optional List of confidence intervals to plot for each non-`None` entry in `covs`. Default is 0.95 (just plot the 95 percent confidence interval). max_hist_ticks : int, optional The maximum number of ticks for the histogram plots. Default is None (no limit). max_chain_ticks : int, optional The maximum number of y-axis ticks for the chain plots. Default is 6. label_chain_y : bool, optional If True, the chain plots will have y axis labels. Default is False. hide_chain_yticklabels : bool, optional If True, hide the y axis tick labels for the chain plots. Default is False (show y tick labels). chain_ytick_pad : float, optional The padding (in points) between the y-axis tick labels and the axis for the chain plots. Default is 2.0. label_fontsize : float, optional The font size (in points) to use for the axis labels. Default is `axes.labelsize`. ticklabel_fontsize : float, optional The font size (in points) to use for the axis tick labels. Default is `xtick.labelsize`. chain_label_fontsize : float, optional The font size (in points) to use for the labels of the chain axes. Default is `axes.labelsize`. chain_ticklabel_fontsize : float, optional The font size (in points) to use for the chain axis tick labels. Default is `xtick.labelsize`. xticklabel_angle : float, optional The angle to rotate the x tick labels, in degrees. Default is 90. bottom_sep : float, optional The separation (in relative figure units) between the chains and the marginals. Default is 0.075. suptitle_space : float, optional The amount of space (in relative figure units) to leave for a figure title. Default is 0.1. fixed_height : float, optional The desired figure height (in inches). Default is to automatically adjust based on `fixed_width` to make the subplots square. fixed_width : float, optional The desired figure width (in inches). Default is `figure.figsize[0]`. l : float, optional The location (in relative figure units) of the left margin. Default is 0.1. r : float, optional The location (in relative figure units) of the right margin. Default is 0.9. t1 : float, optional The location (in relative figure units) of the top of the grid of histograms. Overrides `suptitle_space` if present. b1 : float, optional The location (in relative figure units) of the bottom of the grid of histograms. Overrides `bottom_sep` if present. Defaults to 0.1 if `plot_chains` is False. t2 : float, optional The location (in relative figure units) of the top of the grid of chain plots. Default is 0.2. b2 : float, optional The location (in relative figure units) of the bottom of the grid of chain plots. Default is 0.1. ax_space : float, optional The `w_space` and `h_space` to use (in relative figure units). Default is 0.1. """ masked_weights = None if points is not None: points = scipy.atleast_2d(points) if covs is not None and len(covs) != len(points): raise ValueError( "If covariance matrices are provided, len(covs) must equal len(points)!" ) elif covs is None: covs = [None,] * len(points) if colors is None: c_cycle = itertools.cycle(['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']) colors = [ for p in points] # Create axes: try: k = sampler.flatchain.shape[-1] except AttributeError: # Assumes array input is only case where there is no "flatchain" attribute. k = sampler.shape[-1] if labels is None: labels = [''] * k # Set up geometry: # plot_chains = # True: False: # +-----------+ +-----------+ # | +-------+ | | +-------+ | # | | | | | | | | # | | | | | | | | # | | | | | | | | # | +-------+ | | +-------+ | # | +-------+ | +-----------+ # | | | | # | +-------+ | # +-----------+ # We retain support for the original suptitle_space keyword, but can # override with t1 as needed: if t1 is None: t1 = 1 - suptitle_space # We retain support for the original bottom_sep keyword, but can override # with b1 as needed: if b1 is None: if plot_chains: b1 = t2 + bottom_sep else: b1 = 0.1 if fixed_height is None and fixed_width is None: # Default: use matplotlib's default width, handle remaining parameters # with the fixed width case below: fixed_width = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'][0] if fixed_height is None and fixed_width is not None: # Only width specified, compute height to yield square histograms: fixed_height = fixed_width * (r - l) / (t1 - b1) elif fixed_height is not None and fixed_width is None: # Only height specified, compute width to yield square histograms fixed_width = fixed_height * (t1 - b1) / (r - l) # Otherwise width and height are fixed, and we may not have square # histograms, at the user's discretion. wspace = ax_space hspace = ax_space # gs1 is the histograms, gs2 is the chains: f = plt.figure(figsize=(fixed_width, fixed_height)) gs1 = mplgs.GridSpec(k, k) gs1.update(bottom=b1, top=t1, left=l, right=r, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) if plot_chains: gs2 = mplgs.GridSpec(1, k) gs2.update(bottom=b2, top=t2, left=l, right=r, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) axes = [] # j is the row, i is the column. for j in xrange(0, k + int(plot_chains)): row = [] for i in xrange(0, k): if i > j: row.append(None) else: sharey = row[-1] if i > 0 and i < j and j < k else None sharex = axes[-1][i] if j > i and j < k else \ (row[-1] if i > 0 and j == k else None) gs = gs1[j, i] if j < k else gs2[:, i] row.append(f.add_subplot(gs, sharey=sharey, sharex=sharex)) if j < k and ticklabel_fontsize is not None: row[-1].tick_params(labelsize=ticklabel_fontsize) elif j >= k and chain_ticklabel_fontsize is not None: row[-1].tick_params(labelsize=chain_ticklabel_fontsize) axes.append(row) axes = scipy.asarray(axes) # Update axes with the data: if isinstance(sampler, emcee.EnsembleSampler): if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.chain.shape[0], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler.chain[chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) elif isinstance(sampler, emcee.PTSampler): if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.nwalkers, dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler.chain[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) elif isinstance(sampler, scipy.ndarray): if sampler.ndim == 4: if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.shape[1], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:] weights = weights.ravel() elif sampler.ndim == 3: if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.shape[0], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler[chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[chain_mask, burn:] weights = weights.ravel() elif sampler.ndim == 2: flat_trace = sampler[burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[burn:] weights = weights.ravel() if cutoff_weight is not None and weights is not None: mask = weights >= cutoff_weight * weights.max() flat_trace = flat_trace[mask, :] masked_weights = weights[mask] else: masked_weights = weights else: raise ValueError("Unknown sampler class: %s" % (type(sampler),)) # j is the row, i is the column. for i in xrange(0, k): axes[i, i].clear() if plot_hist: axes[i, i].hist(flat_trace[:, i], bins=bins, color=hist_color, weights=masked_weights, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled') if plot_samples: axes[i, i].plot(flat_trace[:, i], scipy.zeros_like(flat_trace[:, i]), ',', alpha=0.1) if points is not None: # axvline can only take a scalar x, so we have to loop: for p, c, cov in zip(points, colors, covs): axes[i, i].axvline(x=p[i], linewidth=3, color=c) if cov is not None: xlim = axes[i, i].get_xlim() i_grid = scipy.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], 100) axes[i, i].plot( i_grid, scipy.stats.norm.pdf( i_grid, loc=p[i], scale=scipy.sqrt(cov[i, i]) ), c, linewidth=3.0 ) axes[i, i].set_xlim(xlim) if i == k - 1: axes[i, i].set_xlabel(labels[i], fontsize=label_fontsize) plt.setp(axes[i, i].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=xticklabel_angle) if i < k - 1: plt.setp(axes[i, i].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axes[i, i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) for j in xrange(i + 1, k): axes[j, i].clear() if plot_hist: ct, x, y, im = axes[j, i].hist2d( flat_trace[:, i], flat_trace[:, j], bins=bins, cmap=cmap, weights=masked_weights ) if plot_samples: axes[j, i].plot(flat_trace[:, i], flat_trace[:, j], ',', alpha=0.1) if points is not None: for p, c, cov in zip(points, colors, covs): axes[j, i].plot(p[i], p[j], 'o', color=c) if cov is not None: Sigma = scipy.asarray([[cov[i, i], cov[i, j]], [cov[j, i], cov[j, j]]], dtype=float) lam, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(Sigma) chi2 = [-scipy.log(1.0 - cival) * 2.0 for cival in ci] a = [2.0 * scipy.sqrt(chi2val * lam[-1]) for chi2val in chi2] b = [2.0 * scipy.sqrt(chi2val * lam[-2]) for chi2val in chi2] ang = scipy.arctan2(v[1, -1], v[0, -1]) for aval, bval in zip(a, b): ell = mplp.Ellipse( [p[i], p[j]], aval, bval, angle=scipy.degrees(ang), facecolor='none', edgecolor=c, linewidth=3 ) axes[j, i].add_artist(ell) # axes[j, i].plot(points[i], points[j], 'o') # xmid = 0.5 * (x[1:] + x[:-1]) # ymid = 0.5 * (y[1:] + y[:-1]) # axes[j, i].contour(xmid, ymid, ct.T, colors='k') if j < k - 1: plt.setp(axes[j, i].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if i != 0: plt.setp(axes[j, i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if i == 0: axes[j, i].set_ylabel(labels[j], fontsize=label_fontsize) if j == k - 1: axes[j, i].set_xlabel(labels[i], fontsize=label_fontsize) plt.setp(axes[j, i].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=xticklabel_angle) if plot_chains: axes[-1, i].clear() if isinstance(sampler, emcee.EnsembleSampler): axes[-1, i].plot(sampler.chain[:, :, i].T, alpha=chain_alpha) elif isinstance(sampler, emcee.PTSampler): axes[-1, i].plot(sampler.chain[temp_idx, :, :, i].T, alpha=chain_alpha) else: if sampler.ndim == 4: axes[-1, i].plot(sampler[temp_idx, :, :, i].T, alpha=chain_alpha) elif sampler.ndim == 3: axes[-1, i].plot(sampler[:, :, i].T, alpha=chain_alpha) elif sampler.ndim == 2: axes[-1, i].plot(sampler[:, i].T, alpha=chain_alpha) # Plot the weights on top of the chains: if weights is not None: a_wt = axes[-1, i].twinx() a_wt.plot(weights, alpha=chain_alpha, linestyle='--', color='r') plt.setp(a_wt.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(), visible=False) a_wt.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') # Plot the cutoff weight as a horizontal line and the first sample # which is included as a vertical bar. Note that this won't be quite # the right behavior if the weights are not roughly monotonic. if cutoff_weight is not None: a_wt.axhline(cutoff_weight * weights.max(), linestyle='-', color='r') wi, = scipy.where(weights >= cutoff_weight * weights.max()) a_wt.axvline(wi[0], linestyle='-', color='r') if burn > 0: axes[-1, i].axvline(burn, color='r', linewidth=3) if points is not None: for p, c in zip(points, colors): axes[-1, i].axhline(y=p[i], linewidth=3, color=c) # Reset the xlim since it seems to get messed up: axes[-1, i].set_xlim(left=0) # try: # [axes[-1, i].axhline(y=pt, linewidth=3) for pt in points[i]] # except TypeError: # axes[-1, i].axhline(y=points[i], linewidth=3) if label_chain_y: axes[-1, i].set_ylabel(labels[i], fontsize=chain_label_fontsize) axes[-1, i].set_xlabel('step', fontsize=chain_label_fontsize) plt.setp(axes[-1, i].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=xticklabel_angle) for tick in axes[-1, i].get_yaxis().get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(chain_ytick_pad) tick.label1 = tick._get_text1() for i in xrange(0, k): if max_hist_ticks is not None: axes[k - 1, i].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=max_hist_ticks - 1)) axes[i, 0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=max_hist_ticks - 1)) if plot_chains and max_chain_ticks is not None: axes[k, i].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=max_chain_ticks - 1)) axes[k, i].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=max_chain_ticks - 1)) if plot_chains and hide_chain_yticklabels: plt.setp(axes[k, i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if suptitle is not None: f.suptitle(suptitle) f.canvas.draw() return f
[docs]def plot_sampler_fingerprint( sampler, hyperprior, weights=None, cutoff_weight=None, nbins=None, labels=None, burn=0, chain_mask=None, temp_idx=0, points=None, plot_samples=False, sample_color='k', point_color=None, point_lw=3, title='', rot_x_labels=False, figsize=None ): """Make a plot of the sampler's "fingerprint": univariate marginal histograms for all hyperparameters. The hyperparameters are mapped to [0, 1] using :py:meth:`hyperprior.elementwise_cdf`, so this can only be used with prior distributions which implement this function. Returns the figure and axis created. Parameters ---------- sampler : :py:class:`emcee.Sampler` instance or array, (`n_temps`, `n_chains`, `n_samp`, `n_dim`), (`n_chains`, `n_samp`, `n_dim`) or (`n_samp`, `n_dim`) The sampler to plot the chains/marginals of. Can also be an array of samples which matches the shape of the `chain` attribute that would be present in a :py:class:`emcee.Sampler` instance. hyperprior : :py:class:`~gptools.utils.JointPrior` instance The joint prior distribution for the hyperparameters. Used to map the values to [0, 1] so that the hyperparameters can all be shown on the same axis. weights : array, (`n_temps`, `n_chains`, `n_samp`), (`n_chains`, `n_samp`) or (`n_samp`,), optional The weight for each sample. This is useful for post-processing the output from MultiNest sampling, for instance. cutoff_weight : float, optional If `weights` and `cutoff_weight` are present, points with `weights < cutoff_weight * weights.max()` will be excluded. Default is to plot all points. nbins : int or array of int, (`D`,), optional The number of bins dividing [0, 1] to use for each histogram. If a single int is given, this is used for all of the hyperparameters. If an array of ints is given, these are the numbers of bins for each of the hyperparameters. The default is to determine the number of bins using the Freedman-Diaconis rule. labels : array of str, (`D`,), optional The labels for each hyperparameter. Default is to use empty strings. burn : int, optional The number of samples to burn before making the marginal histograms. Default is zero (use all samples). chain_mask : (index) array, optional Mask identifying the chains to keep before plotting, in case there are bad chains. Default is to use all chains. temp_idx : int, optional Index of the temperature to plot when plotting a :py:class:`emcee.PTSampler`. Default is 0 (samples from the posterior). points : array, (`D`,) or (`N`, `D`), optional Array of point(s) to plot as horizontal lines. Default is None. plot_samples : bool, optional If True, the samples are plotted as horizontal lines. Default is False. sample_color : str, optional The color to plot the samples in. Default is 'k', meaning black. point_color : str or list of str, optional The color to plot the individual points in. Default is to loop through matplotlib's default color sequence. If a list is provided, it will be cycled through. point_lw : float, optional Line width to use when plotting the individual points. title : str, optional Title to use for the plot. rot_x_labels : bool, optional If True, the labels for the x-axis are rotated 90 degrees. Default is False (do not rotate labels). figsize : 2-tuple, optional The figure size to use. Default is to use the matplotlib default. """ try: k = sampler.flatchain.shape[-1] except AttributeError: # Assumes array input is only case where there is no "flatchain" attribute. k = sampler.shape[-1] # Process the samples: if isinstance(sampler, emcee.EnsembleSampler): if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.chain.shape[0], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler.chain[chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) elif isinstance(sampler, emcee.PTSampler): if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.nwalkers, dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler.chain[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) elif isinstance(sampler, scipy.ndarray): if sampler.ndim == 4: if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.shape[1], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:] weights = weights.ravel() elif sampler.ndim == 3: if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.shape[0], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler[chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[chain_mask, burn:] weights = weights.ravel() elif sampler.ndim == 2: flat_trace = sampler[burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[burn:] weights = weights.ravel() if cutoff_weight is not None and weights is not None: mask = weights >= cutoff_weight * weights.max() flat_trace = flat_trace[mask, :] weights = weights[mask] else: raise ValueError("Unknown sampler class: %s" % (type(sampler),)) if labels is None: labels = [''] * k u = scipy.asarray([hyperprior.elementwise_cdf(p) for p in flat_trace], dtype=float).T if nbins is None: lq, uq = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(u, [25, 75], axis=1) h = 2.0 * (uq - lq) / u.shape[0]**(1.0 / 3.0) n = scipy.asarray(scipy.ceil(1.0 / h), dtype=int) else: try: iter(nbins) n = nbins except TypeError: n = nbins * scipy.ones(u.shape[0]) hist = [scipy.stats.histogram(uv, numbins=nv, defaultlimits=[0, 1], weights=weights) for uv, nv in zip(u, n)] max_ct = max([max(h.count) for h in hist]) min_ct = min([min(h.count) for h in hist]) f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) a = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) for i, (h, pn) in enumerate(zip(hist, labels)): a.imshow( scipy.atleast_2d(scipy.asarray(h.count[::-1], dtype=float)).T, cmap='gray_r', interpolation='nearest', vmin=min_ct, vmax=max_ct, extent=(i, i + 1, 0, 1), aspect='auto' ) if plot_samples: for p in u: for i, uv in enumerate(p): a.plot([i, i + 1], [uv, uv], sample_color, alpha=0.1) if points is not None: points = scipy.atleast_2d(scipy.asarray(points, dtype=float)) u_points = [hyperprior.elementwise_cdf(p) for p in points] if point_color is None: c_cycle = itertools.cycle(['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']) else: c_cycle = itertools.cycle(scipy.atleast_1d(point_color)) for p in u_points: c = for i, uv in enumerate(p): a.plot([i, i + 1], [uv, uv], color=c, lw=point_lw) a.set_xlim(0, len(hist)) a.set_ylim(0, 1) a.set_xticks(0.5 + scipy.arange(0, len(hist), dtype=float)) a.set_xticklabels(labels) if rot_x_labels: plt.setp(a.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90) a.set_xlabel("parameter") a.set_ylabel("$u=F_P(p)$") a.set_title(title) return f, a
[docs]def plot_sampler_cov( sampler, method='corr', weights=None, cutoff_weight=None, labels=None, burn=0, chain_mask=None, temp_idx=0, cbar_label=None, title='', rot_x_labels=False, figsize=None, xlabel_on_top=True ): """Make a plot of the sampler's correlation or covariance matrix. Returns the figure and axis created. Parameters ---------- sampler : :py:class:`emcee.Sampler` instance or array, (`n_temps`, `n_chains`, `n_samp`, `n_dim`), (`n_chains`, `n_samp`, `n_dim`) or (`n_samp`, `n_dim`) The sampler to plot the chains/marginals of. Can also be an array of samples which matches the shape of the `chain` attribute that would be present in a :py:class:`emcee.Sampler` instance. method : {'corr', 'cov'} Whether to plot the correlation matrix ('corr') or the covariance matrix ('cov'). The covariance matrix is often not useful because different parameters have wildly different scales. Default is to plot the correlation matrix. labels : array of str, (`D`,), optional The labels for each hyperparameter. Default is to use empty strings. burn : int, optional The number of samples to burn before making the marginal histograms. Default is zero (use all samples). chain_mask : (index) array, optional Mask identifying the chains to keep before plotting, in case there are bad chains. Default is to use all chains. temp_idx : int, optional Index of the temperature to plot when plotting a :py:class:`emcee.PTSampler`. Default is 0 (samples from the posterior). cbar_label : str, optional The label to use for the colorbar. The default is chosen based on the value of the `method` keyword. title : str, optional Title to use for the plot. rot_x_labels : bool, optional If True, the labels for the x-axis are rotated 90 degrees. Default is False (do not rotate labels). figsize : 2-tuple, optional The figure size to use. Default is to use the matplotlib default. xlabel_on_top : bool, optional If True, the x-axis labels are put on top (the way mathematicians present matrices). Default is True. """ try: k = sampler.flatchain.shape[-1] except AttributeError: # Assumes array input is only case where there is no "flatchain" attribute. k = sampler.shape[-1] # Process the samples: if isinstance(sampler, emcee.EnsembleSampler): if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.chain.shape[0], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler.chain[chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) elif isinstance(sampler, emcee.PTSampler): if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.nwalkers, dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler.chain[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) elif isinstance(sampler, scipy.ndarray): if sampler.ndim == 4: if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.shape[1], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[temp_idx, chain_mask, burn:] weights = weights.ravel() elif sampler.ndim == 3: if chain_mask is None: chain_mask = scipy.ones(sampler.shape[0], dtype=bool) flat_trace = sampler[chain_mask, burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[chain_mask, burn:] weights = weights.ravel() elif sampler.ndim == 2: flat_trace = sampler[burn:, :] flat_trace = flat_trace.reshape((-1, k)) if weights is not None: weights = weights[burn:] weights = weights.ravel() if cutoff_weight is not None and weights is not None: mask = weights >= cutoff_weight * weights.max() flat_trace = flat_trace[mask, :] weights = weights[mask] else: raise ValueError("Unknown sampler class: %s" % (type(sampler),)) if labels is None: labels = [''] * k if cbar_label is None: cbar_label = r'$\mathrm{cov}(p_1, p_2)$' if method == 'cov' else r'$\mathrm{corr}(p_1, p_2)$' if weights is None: if method == 'corr': cov = scipy.corrcoef(flat_trace, rowvar=0, ddof=1) else: cov = scipy.cov(flat_trace, rowvar=0, ddof=1) else: cov = scipy.cov(flat_trace, rowvar=0, aweights=weights) if method == 'corr': stds = scipy.sqrt(scipy.diag(cov)) STD_1, STD_2 = scipy.meshgrid(stds, stds) cov = cov / (STD_1 * STD_2) f_cov = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) a_cov = f_cov.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) a_cov.set_title(title) if method == 'cov': vmax = scipy.absolute(cov).max() else: vmax = 1.0 cax = a_cov.pcolor(cov, cmap='seismic', vmin=-1 * vmax, vmax=vmax) divider = make_axes_locatable(a_cov) a_cb = divider.append_axes("right", size="10%", pad=0.05) cbar = f_cov.colorbar(cax, cax=a_cb, label=cbar_label) a_cov.set_xlabel('parameter') a_cov.set_ylabel('parameter') a_cov.axis('square') a_cov.invert_yaxis() if xlabel_on_top: a_cov.xaxis.tick_top() a_cov.xaxis.set_label_position('top') a_cov.set_xticks(0.5 + scipy.arange(0, flat_trace.shape[1], dtype=float)) a_cov.set_yticks(0.5 + scipy.arange(0, flat_trace.shape[1], dtype=float)) a_cov.set_xticklabels(labels) if rot_x_labels: plt.setp(a_cov.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90) a_cov.set_yticklabels(labels) a_cov.set_xlim(0, flat_trace.shape[1]) a_cov.set_ylim(flat_trace.shape[1], 0) return f_cov, a_cov